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spring cleaning-what to keep and what to get rid of . .

okay, this has nothing to do w/ health/exercise etc but . . . i have a filing system that has gone completely nuts-bank statements, credit card statements, old car insurance statements, paycheck stubbs, old check books, etc. i know i should probably keep my paystubbs and bank account stuff for tax purposes . . .but what about all the other stuff? Do i really need to keep old credit card statements etc? (i have some from accounts i don't even have opened anymore!) I'm curious to see what you guys keep and what you shred!

Mon. Mar 6, 10:31am

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I am the wrong person to comment.
I am a total packrat...

I try to keep the statements-- I think someone once mentioned that you need to keep statements for 7 years or something like that.
I just shred the receipts (unless it's for something major like an appliance or computer, etc.) and then keep only the statements.

Eventually, I shred that as well...

Unfortunately, I don't have my stuff filed, and everything is a mess as well... :-(

Monday, March 6, 2006, 10:46 AM

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Hello! I suppose that there is better to keep all your bills, statements etc. You don't know when it could need you.

Saturday, July 18, 2020, 5:46 AM

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I really like to clean when there is a good cleaning equipment. I am attracted to an exceptionally clean house. I don't like dirt. I recently bought a severin vacuum you can find more info here. Read the review on it. I think it's not bad, although samsung was better.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 12:49 PM

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cleaning carpet

Hi, how do you deal with carpet stains?

Thursday, November 5, 2020, 1:23 AM

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Hello, very good question. And here I can help you. Because recently I had the same problem, but the advice helped me . A lot of useful things can be learned, and everything for your comfort at home. And without chemistry. And in our modern world this is important.

Thursday, November 5, 2020, 4:41 AM

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