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OT: Can travelling throw off a woman's cycle?
I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone. I've never heard of it happening to anyone that I know, but I have read that it can happen.
The reason I ask, is because I am now 6 days late. When I was 2 days late, I took a test and it was negative. Since coming off birth control 5 months ago, I have been right on schedule. The only thing I can come up with is 3 weeks ago, I took a short, 4 day vacation. I haven't been stressed. At least, not more than what I'm already used to...which isn't much stress at all.
Any thoughts?
I'm going to test again today. Part of me wants it to be positive (a large part of me) and part of me doesn't...I'd still love to lose weight first (how selfish is that???).
Thanks guys...
Mon. Mar 6, 7:58am
I think I spelled traveling wrong...yup. I did. Sorry.
Monday, March 6, 2006, 7:59 AM
Losing weight (or any big changes to your body) can throw off your cycle.
But good luck!
Monday, March 6, 2006, 10:29 AM
When I lost weight the first month it made me 7 days late and then the next month I was 2 days early. I am also very regular so I think its just my body adjusting to my new diet and exercise regime. :D
Monday, March 6, 2006, 2:59 PM
So...I found out what it is...
OP here. I found out what has thrown me so off track w/my cycle. I take Synthroid for hypothyroidism daily. Well, I ran out while I was on vacation and then was super busy when I got back (I no, no excuse for this) and I think I went about a week w/out taking my Synthroid. I called my endocrinologists office yesterday to ask if that could do this and they said definitely. I took a pg test yesterday afternoon and that was negative, so my meds was the only other thing I could think of.
Well, now the problem is how much pain I'm in! Seriously. It started mid-morning yesterday. At first, I thought, okay...maybe I'm getting my period, but I didn't. The pain has gradually gotten worse since then. It feel like HORRIBLE cramps in the area of my ovaries. I laid in bed for a few hours last night reading and hoping that would help. It helped while I was laying down, but as soon as I get up, it hurts again. This is terrible. Ugh. Any ideas???
Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 7:34 AM
When I am cramping really bad I take Midol and then use the Thermacare heat patches. Having the constant heat seems to numb the pain when I have to be up and walking around.
Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 1:42 PM
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