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NutriSystem For Men

we have been focusing on this idea of "Diet Fusion" in our tip of the day email program. Asking people to find what works for them. More than a few people have pointed to NutriSystem as something that has helped the men in their lives get started losing weight. Before doing this they were really not able to get going in any way and that this helped.

I think we asked this question before, but we want to pose it again- what experiences have you had with men on nutrisystem. Our whole approach here is finding what works individual people, and it seems like this is a good starting point for certain people.



Wed. Jan 14, 11:45am

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We started on NS for the convenience factor. I was sick of eating out or ordering in, plus I was refusing to cook unhealthy meals. My SO saw the Dan Marino commercial and we ordered. This worked for us each losing about 20#'s over a few month's time, but we got to the point where we hated the food and it just wasn't worth it. I went vegan and he went Lean Cuisine; I kept my weight off and he is heavier than ever. NS didn't help him - he didn't learn about healthy food, he didn't learn portion control, and he didn't learn to be responsible for himself.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 11:58 AM

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NutriSystem For Men

it can work really well, but you have to also work on a long term strategy to change your diet, not just eat less or eat better carbs. This is the kind of diet where the odds of success are very high but the odds of gaining it back are high as well.


Sunday, January 18, 2009, 10:32 AM

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