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Cdn politician wants to ban aspartame :)
Now, there's a snowballs chance in hell this would work, but I just love what it would do to the junk food industry... muahahha...
Aspartame ban urged- Winnipeg Sun March 5/06
The calorie-free option of aspartame may be too sweet to be true.
In light of a seven-year study linking the artificial sweetener to cancer, NDP MP Pat Martin (Winnipeg Centre) is urging the Canadian government to ban the substance.
In a letter dated Feb. 28, Martin wrote new Health Minister Tony Clement to get all products containing aspartame -- an ingredient used in more than 6,000 processed foods, including diet sodas, desserts, candy, chewing gum and yogurt -- out of the Canadian food supply without delay.
"We're talking about a deadly neuro-toxin with serious neurological implications," said Martin. "I'm urging the minister to be guided by the precautionary principle when it comes to matters affecting Canadian's health."
The seven-year study that set off a flurry of calls to ban the substance in Europe, Mexico, the United States and now Canada, was conducted by Italian researcher Dr. Morando Soffritti.
Soffritti concluded his research last July with a report indicating that aspartame "is a multipotential carcinogenic compound" and is associated with unusually high rates of leukemia, lymphoma and other cancers in rats.
Aspartame, sold under the trade name Equal and NutraSweet, was approved for use in Canada in 1981.
Clement was not available for comment.
According to a Health Canada website, a series of tests using laboratory animals was evaluated before the artificial sweetener was approved for human consumption.
"There is no evidence to suggest that the consumption of foods containing this sweetener, according to the provisions of the Food and Drug Regulations and as part of a well-balanced diet, would pose a health hazard to consumers," the health agency reported.
A spokeswoman from Health Canada said once the data from Soffritti's report is available to the agency, it will review it.
Martin is also heading a movement to ban artificial trans fatty acids from all food.
In November, 2004 the Commons passed an NDP motion calling for regulations or legislation within one year that would virtually ban the artery-clogging substance from food sold in Canada.
Sun. Mar 5, 9:59pm
Personally, I don't think it's that bad of an idea.... Aspartame is known to cause a lot of problems healthwise... I can't eat it myself because it gives me migraines. I'm sure it has also contributed in the problem of obesity in the U.S.!
Monday, March 6, 2006, 11:02 AM
Personally, I don't think it's that bad of an idea.... Aspartame is known to cause a lot of problems healthwise... I can't eat it myself because it gives me migraines. I'm sure it has also contributed in the problem of obesity in the U.S.!
Monday, March 6, 2006, 11:02 AM
Personally, I don't think it's that bad of an idea.... Aspartame is known to cause a lot of problems healthwise... I can't eat it myself because it gives me migraines. I'm sure it has also contributed in the problem of obesity in the U.S.!
Monday, March 6, 2006, 11:02 AM
I totally agree with the above poster. My doctor told me over 25 years ago that aspartame was not good for you and to get off my drinking of diet coke. Now that I have been off diet coke for over a year, the headaches are gone and my skin looks alot heathier plus I sleep better. Best thing they could have done years ago was take it off the market. Go by a school yard and see how many skinny kids there are. Not too many. Ask any child what they want to drink and they will say coke, pop not milk or water.
Monday, March 6, 2006, 11:37 AM
I totally agree with the above poster. My doctor told me over 25 years ago that aspartame was not good for you and to get off my drinking of diet coke. Now that I have been off diet coke for over a year, the headaches are gone and my skin looks alot heathier plus I sleep better. Best thing they could have done years ago was take it off the market. Go by a school yard and see how many skinny kids there are. Not too many. Ask any child what they want to drink and they will say coke, pop not milk or water.
Monday, March 6, 2006, 11:37 AM
I totally agree with the above poster. My doctor told me over 25 years ago that aspartame was not good for you and to get off my drinking of diet coke. Now that I have been off diet coke for over a year, the headaches are gone and my skin looks alot heathier plus I sleep better. Best thing they could have done years ago was take it off the market. Go by a school yard and see how many skinny kids there are. Not too many. Ask any child what they want to drink and they will say coke, pop not milk or water.
Monday, March 6, 2006, 11:37 AM
High fructose corn syrup, not aspartame is what contributes to obesity in children (and parents giving their kids fast food, prepared foods, etc).
But I do agree aspartame is bad for you in large doses over time, although I do still drink it occassionally (it's in my favorite diet drink--diet A&W root beer).
Monday, March 6, 2006, 2:33 PM
High fructose corn syrup, not aspartame is what contributes to obesity in children (and parents giving their kids fast food, prepared foods, etc).
But I do agree aspartame is bad for you in large doses over time, although I do still drink it occassionally (it's in my favorite diet drink--diet A&W root beer).
Monday, March 6, 2006, 2:33 PM
High fructose corn syrup, not aspartame is what contributes to obesity in children (and parents giving their kids fast food, prepared foods, etc).
But I do agree aspartame is bad for you in large doses over time, although I do still drink it occassionally (it's in my favorite diet drink--diet A&W root beer).
Monday, March 6, 2006, 2:33 PM
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