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Staying on track while on vacation at Disney World

I will be going to Disney World on spring break and would like helpful suggestions about eating healthy and as cheap as possible. I am on the South Beach Diet and will be on phase II by that time. I will pack my own food to eat for breakfast in my room but the remaining meals will be in the parks...I am a chaperone for a large group of teenagers and we will be in the parks from 9AM to 12Midnight each day!

Sun. Mar 5, 8:57pm

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I would bring some low-sugar, high-protein bars for snacks (my favorite brands are Zone and Balance), so that you can snack on realtively healthy stuff and not be starving by the time you sit down for meals and overeat.

Good luck!

Sunday, March 5, 2006, 9:21 PM

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Good luck. That place is tough on dieters.
You will save a lot of monet not eating in the park. That is a plus.

Monday, March 6, 2006, 10:14 AM

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You'll be doing so much walking that you can probably afford a little bit of a diet splurge.

It's easy, though, to get things like burgers and chicken sandwiches and just not eat the bun; eat it with a fork and knife if possible, if not, use some bun to hold the burger, but keep ripping off chunks of bun from around the meat so you're only eating meat/cheese. It'll keep you full b/c of the protein and fat, but it won't add carbs. Definitely keep some meal/snack bars in your purse to have instead of snacky treats like popcorn/cotton candy/pretzels/etc. And if you're tempted by cinnamon churros - we got those once in Epcot, and I swear to you, birds swooped down and grabbed them right out of our hands! It was so scary!!

Monday, March 6, 2006, 10:22 AM

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I live in FL and go every so often. I try to bring some snacks with me - protein bars, maybe a few nuts with some fruit. It's much better than what they sell and it's very heloful to not let yourself get too hungry. There are also places in the park that sell fruit and of course drink lots of water.

I have found it heloful to plan in advance too where I can eat and what I can eat. Try this site

There are lots of menus for all the parks here. I always pick out where the best choices are - and I make notes that I bring along reminding me where to go, what choices are good, where the fruit is sold etc. I try to pick what's healthiest and then just try to watch portions too. You will do a lot of walking, which helps a ton.

Monday, March 6, 2006, 11:28 AM

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You all are so helpful and I really appreciate the good advise! Thanks! Keep it coming. The only advise I cannot do is eat outside of the park as we must stay in the park at all times with the kids and we are staying on site at the All Star Music Resort. I am excited to see my two children and their high school band perform...the band is leading the parade down Main ST! I plan to have a back pack with all that you have suggested. Keep coming with the ideas!

Monday, March 6, 2006, 6:33 PM

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When I am at Disneyland I find that having a bag of beef jerkey with me helps to keep me away from the churros, popcorn, ice cream, amd other goddies that are all around the park. Only buy food at meal times like lunch and dinner and just be smart about it. You can afford to go a little over, you will be walking alot. Have fun on your trip.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 2:02 PM

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