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Doing South Beach and Weight Watchers Together?
does anyone have any experience with doing this in the past?
Mon. Jan 5, 9:40am
Not Weight Watchers, but I do count calories (which appears to be equivalent to tracking points) and do South Beach. I find doing so really helps me monitor my progress and ensures that I am spreading my calories across all the food groups I eat.
In Phase 1 I started doing this to ensure I ate enough calories and it was a really useful and eye-opening exercise to realize what a huge amount of calories are in refined carbs and the impact that cutting them out has on your diet - you can eat a LOT of food if you stick to veggies, lean protein, nuts and LF dairy. Then I did it to keep an eye on things when I started adding grains and fruit back in. That got a little trickier, but I wanted to make sure I didn't pack the weight back on by keeping my portions of those higher calorie foods under control.
Overall I like South Beach - it's been a really healthy change for me and I feel a ton better. However, counting calories is what has helped me transition from the stricter phases into maintenance without putting a few pounds back on. IMO it seems that the WW points system, weight tracking and group support would help accomplish this as well.
Monday, January 5, 2009, 11:06 AM
The first time I was on WW, I was just concerned with points and not nutrition. Although a lot of people knock SBD as unhealthy, it actually helped me to eat more veggies and whole grains. SBD doesn't place a limit on how much you can eat, but I've combined it with WW and limited myself to 18 pts a day. It has helped me to lose weight, as long as I stick to the program and not go off on a binge.
Monday, January 5, 2009, 12:46 PM
southbeach/weight watchers
I have done both diets. the first two weeks of south beach I lost close to 8 pounds. It slows down right away. With weight watchers I lose slowly. However, i did find that my metabolism slowed down due to smaller portions and one week I gained 6 tenths of a pounds. I thought about combining the two a long time ago. Glad to know others feel the same. Good healthy foods and smaller portions. Leans meats, low fat incorporating olive oil instead of butter. For women, milk is important for bone health. Skim milk is good once you get accustomed. I discovered that taste buds adjust. I will keep you posted on my weight loss with this combo. Don't forget water. I also discovered that most of the time I wasn't hungry, but that I was actually thirsty.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 7:56 AM
Core 4
I have not tried them because they are too expensive. I am on Core 4 and it is less than $5 per day. It's a supplemental program made with all natural ingredients. Save and FAST and easy! You can lose 5 - 8 pounds in a week! Email me for more info at
Friday, December 11, 2009, 3:26 PM
pp what's expensive SBD you already have the foods and my understanding for WW is it is like $5 for the weigh in/meeting which is weekly..again the food you already have in your home.
I wish ya luck original poster..I personally did SB a few years back it was wonderful and great results . I am still maintaining
Sunday, December 13, 2009, 5:55 PM
related article on the new Weight Watchers Momentum Program:
Thursday, September 16, 2010, 2:47 PM
South Beach and WW Points plus
I have had greater success with South Beach. I am an active 63 year old woman and have found that I cannot eat fruit regularly, nor potatoes , rice or grains without gaining weight - regardless of portion control.
The south beach diet's level of protein ensures that I am not hungry. Weight Watchers, with the added carbohydrates, leaves me hungry and grouchy. Good old protein and low carb veg work great for me and that is just maintenance.
I have enjoyed being lean for years doing all kinds of very vigorous exercise from long distance running, weight training, squash, mountain biking - you name it. After turning 60 I began to notice adipose tissue in places I never saw an ounce of fat before. Some of this I will have to adjust to as part of the aging process. It is hard, hard work trying to keep ahead of it when the body isn't as capable of exercise recovery as it once was. This results in not being able to be as active as I was - unless I want to be in constant pain.
So for me, South Beach it is.
Thursday, May 8, 2014, 3:03 PM
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