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Weight Watchers: To join or not to join?
I am considering starting WW in January. I was on LA weight loss and loved it! For me it was the accountability of weighing in front of someone who was tracking my progress. Is that how WW works? In my opinion, individuals on WW can eat the "crap" that isn't healthy and nutritious. Is that still true? You can eat whatever on WW. Help!
Wed. Dec 17, 6:27pm
I just joined. So far i really am liking the plan. You are held accountable and you do weigh in every week (only one person sees it) and when you attain certain small goals the group recognizes those and asks you what worked for you and if anything you do may help the group to achieve their goals. I have found this part pretty motivational.
Also, I guess you could eat junk if you wanted to but if you did you certainly wouldnt be able to eat too much of it and still stay within their "diet" However I do enjoy the point system because I can eat healhty and eat a lot of food, but I can also have a SMALL treat and it is still ok and i am still on the plan and it does not make me discouraged.
So far I am a fan- I say go for it!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 6:46 PM
I just joined. So far i really am liking the plan. You are held accountable and you do weigh in every week (only one person sees it) and when you attain certain small goals the group recognizes those and asks you what worked for you and if anything you do may help the group to achieve their goals. I have found this part pretty motivational.
Also, I guess you could eat junk if you wanted to but if you did you certainly wouldnt be able to eat too much of it and still stay within their "diet" However I do enjoy the point system because I can eat healhty and eat a lot of food, but I can also have a SMALL treat and it is still ok and i am still on the plan and it does not make me discouraged.
So far I am a fan- I say go for it!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 6:46 PM
I just joined. So far i really am liking the plan. You are held accountable and you do weigh in every week (only one person sees it) and when you attain certain small goals the group recognizes those and asks you what worked for you and if anything you do may help the group to achieve their goals. I have found this part pretty motivational.
Also, I guess you could eat junk if you wanted to but if you did you certainly wouldnt be able to eat too much of it and still stay within their "diet" However I do enjoy the point system because I can eat healhty and eat a lot of food, but I can also have a SMALL treat and it is still ok and i am still on the plan and it does not make me discouraged.
So far I am a fan- I say go for it!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 6:46 PM
I thought about joining and then found the point system and tried it myself. I've lost 20 lbs following a high fiber diet, now 10 lbs from my goal. I used peertrainer for support. My sister is a member, likes the meetings, and has lost 100 lbs. I think it depends what you want out of it, and which group you join. I've heard some are better than others. Maybe find out if they have a trial period for the new year to see if you like it first. Their diet plan does work if you follow it, and teaches you how to eat ideal portion sizes to stay within your points.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 10:26 PM
I thought about joining and then found the point system and tried it myself. I've lost 20 lbs following a high fiber diet, now 10 lbs from my goal. I used peertrainer for support. My sister is a member, likes the meetings, and has lost 100 lbs. I think it depends what you want out of it, and which group you join. I've heard some are better than others. Maybe find out if they have a trial period for the new year to see if you like it first. Their diet plan does work if you follow it, and teaches you how to eat ideal portion sizes to stay within your points.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 10:26 PM
I thought about joining and then found the point system and tried it myself. I've lost 20 lbs following a high fiber diet, now 10 lbs from my goal. I used peertrainer for support. My sister is a member, likes the meetings, and has lost 100 lbs. I think it depends what you want out of it, and which group you join. I've heard some are better than others. Maybe find out if they have a trial period for the new year to see if you like it first. Their diet plan does work if you follow it, and teaches you how to eat ideal portion sizes to stay within your points.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 10:26 PM
It is a great life change... you do weigh in front of others and if you have need that accountability like I do then its great! I am also really liking the point system which you can also use on here.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 10:41 PM
It is a great life change... you do weigh in front of others and if you have need that accountability like I do then its great! I am also really liking the point system which you can also use on here.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 10:41 PM
It is a great life change... you do weigh in front of others and if you have need that accountability like I do then its great! I am also really liking the point system which you can also use on here.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 10:41 PM
quite honestly, i am a lifetime ww member and i dont think that it is worth the amount of money i put out. if you can get hold of a ww book with the points then you can do it yourself. i found the group meetings boring, how many times can you clap for everyone that lost 1/2 lb. dont waste your money.
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 5:27 AM
quite honestly, i am a lifetime ww member and i dont think that it is worth the amount of money i put out. if you can get hold of a ww book with the points then you can do it yourself. i found the group meetings boring, how many times can you clap for everyone that lost 1/2 lb. dont waste your money.
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 5:27 AM
quite honestly, i am a lifetime ww member and i dont think that it is worth the amount of money i put out. if you can get hold of a ww book with the points then you can do it yourself. i found the group meetings boring, how many times can you clap for everyone that lost 1/2 lb. dont waste your money.
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 5:27 AM
Try it, maybe you'll like it. The mutual support is the best part. I thought it was expensive and too much time in the meetings was spent talking about
"diet recipes" and diet products. Some of the other people had some rigid ideas. In my opinion the points system leads you to choose some foods that may not be the most nutritious. The points system just did not work for me. People make lots of claims that they teach you about portion size and portion control, but I did not find this emphasized at the meetings. I liked the recognition for loosing weight. Try it to see if you like it!
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 5:50 AM
Try it, maybe you'll like it. The mutual support is the best part. I thought it was expensive and too much time in the meetings was spent talking about
"diet recipes" and diet products. Some of the other people had some rigid ideas. In my opinion the points system leads you to choose some foods that may not be the most nutritious. The points system just did not work for me. People make lots of claims that they teach you about portion size and portion control, but I did not find this emphasized at the meetings. I liked the recognition for loosing weight. Try it to see if you like it!
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 5:50 AM
Try it, maybe you'll like it. The mutual support is the best part. I thought it was expensive and too much time in the meetings was spent talking about
"diet recipes" and diet products. Some of the other people had some rigid ideas. In my opinion the points system leads you to choose some foods that may not be the most nutritious. The points system just did not work for me. People make lots of claims that they teach you about portion size and portion control, but I did not find this emphasized at the meetings. I liked the recognition for loosing weight. Try it to see if you like it!
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 5:50 AM
OP here. I have looked into and they say that you can attend your first meeting free. Then, I was wanting to try it for a month (to see if it worked for me and worth the money). Would I be able to honestly figure out if it's for me in a month's time? Thanks for all the advice!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 9:17 AM
OP here. I have looked into and they say that you can attend your first meeting free. Then, I was wanting to try it for a month (to see if it worked for me and worth the money). Would I be able to honestly figure out if it's for me in a month's time? Thanks for all the advice!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 9:17 AM
OP here. I have looked into and they say that you can attend your first meeting free. Then, I was wanting to try it for a month (to see if it worked for me and worth the money). Would I be able to honestly figure out if it's for me in a month's time? Thanks for all the advice!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 9:17 AM
I would try the first meeting for free. What do you have to lose, you know?
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 9:41 AM
I would try the first meeting for free. What do you have to lose, you know?
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 9:41 AM
I would try the first meeting for free. What do you have to lose, you know?
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 9:41 AM
i think you will be able to see if it works for you in the one meeting free. you will see how the group interacts and they may explain the program to you. still think it is a waste of money.
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 10:41 AM
i think you will be able to see if it works for you in the one meeting free. you will see how the group interacts and they may explain the program to you. still think it is a waste of money.
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 10:41 AM
i think you will be able to see if it works for you in the one meeting free. you will see how the group interacts and they may explain the program to you. still think it is a waste of money.
Thursday, December 18, 2008, 10:41 AM
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