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Sensitive Skin Issues

Since I turned 19 back in September, I've had skin issues. I never used to have skin problems, just the occasional pimple here or there that would last for a few weeks and go away. And had a pretty clear complexion. All I used was soap.

But around the time I turned 19, I was under a lot of stress at work and school, drank too much coffee, and didn't get a lot of sleep. After a couple of weeks of this behavior I found rows of blackheads on top of my forehead.

The blackheads would bubble up and turn into pimples. And if that wasn't bad enough, the pimple would start to go away, but then another one would crop up right beside it or even on top of it. There was even a time where I had a patch of pimples of all on my left side of my forehead. I had all of this going on INCLUDING dry skin.

Since January, I've cut out the coffee and have gotten rid of all sweets in my diet except for a tiny piece of dark chocolate each day. I've been using Tom's of Main natural soap, and scrub my face lightly with a wash cloth. And apply olive oil imported from Spain about 3x a week. The pimples are slowly disappearing, but I still have a lot of black heads and don't know what to do for exfoliating and getting rid of the remaining blackheads along with smoothing my lumpy forehead.

I never wear make-up, just an occasional eye shadow, and rarely do I put blush on. I've never had a "skin-care regime." And I don't even know where I would begin to have one. My husband thought I was too rough with my skin and maybe that's why it was breaking out, but I am very gentle with it. I'm really afraid to try any chemical based cleansers since I have really sensitive skin and I don't want to dry it out or make it worse than it already is, as I'm seeing scaring from the pimples I had.

To sum up my problem, I've got DRY SKIN + BLACK HEADS. Am sensitive to chemical based products and have no idea what I should be doing for my skin.

I've gotten suggestions from my groups, but would love to hear what the rest of you think.


Wed. Feb 21, 12:51pm

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