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Rave: Don Pablos

I am going out for Mexican food at Don Pablos tonight. I wanted to check the menu before I go to pick out something healthy. I was blown away by the detailed nutritional information available on their website. They even give specific information for Vegetarians, Vegans, and Gluten-free diets. I'm very impressed! I wish more restaurants would follow their lead.

Thu. Mar 2, 5:09pm

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It would be great if all websites did this! I ate at O'Charleys one day and had the Steamer. I went to their website to find the nutritional information and couldn't find it anywhere. However I did find it on another website, but it didn't break it down or anything, it was total calories for the whole plate. It happened to come with a huge side of ranch and I know that was included in the calories, but I didn't touch it, so I'm not sure how many I ate anyway!

I guess restaurants are just scared because they have way too many calories in their foods. One of the biggest things though is portion size. I mean, I think about the serving size of pasta I just ate for dinner and compare it to what I would get at Olive Garden and Whoa! That's three or four times what I just ate.


Thursday, March 2, 2006, 7:31 PM

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It would be great if all websites did this! I ate at O'Charleys one day and had the Steamer. I went to their website to find the nutritional information and couldn't find it anywhere. However I did find it on another website, but it didn't break it down or anything, it was total calories for the whole plate. It happened to come with a huge side of ranch and I know that was included in the calories, but I didn't touch it, so I'm not sure how many I ate anyway!

I guess restaurants are just scared because they have way too many calories in their foods. One of the biggest things though is portion size. I mean, I think about the serving size of pasta I just ate for dinner and compare it to what I would get at Olive Garden and Whoa! That's three or four times what I just ate.


Thursday, March 2, 2006, 7:31 PM

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It would be great if all websites did this! I ate at O'Charleys one day and had the Steamer. I went to their website to find the nutritional information and couldn't find it anywhere. However I did find it on another website, but it didn't break it down or anything, it was total calories for the whole plate. It happened to come with a huge side of ranch and I know that was included in the calories, but I didn't touch it, so I'm not sure how many I ate anyway!

I guess restaurants are just scared because they have way too many calories in their foods. One of the biggest things though is portion size. I mean, I think about the serving size of pasta I just ate for dinner and compare it to what I would get at Olive Garden and Whoa! That's three or four times what I just ate.


Thursday, March 2, 2006, 7:31 PM

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I try to make a special effort to write companies like that and thank them. I figure most of the time when people give feedback it's for someting they didn't like and it's nice to learn when someone was really impressed by something. Plus I bet someone put alot of time and effort into that and if your feedback makes it to the right managerial type - the parties who did the work might get some recognition for it.

Plus - thanks to you for the great tip!

Thursday, March 2, 2006, 9:00 PM

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I try to make a special effort to write companies like that and thank them. I figure most of the time when people give feedback it's for someting they didn't like and it's nice to learn when someone was really impressed by something. Plus I bet someone put alot of time and effort into that and if your feedback makes it to the right managerial type - the parties who did the work might get some recognition for it.

Plus - thanks to you for the great tip!

Thursday, March 2, 2006, 9:00 PM

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I try to make a special effort to write companies like that and thank them. I figure most of the time when people give feedback it's for someting they didn't like and it's nice to learn when someone was really impressed by something. Plus I bet someone put alot of time and effort into that and if your feedback makes it to the right managerial type - the parties who did the work might get some recognition for it.

Plus - thanks to you for the great tip!

Thursday, March 2, 2006, 9:00 PM

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OP here-I agree with recognizing the company and did send them an email yesterday thanking them for having the info. available!

Friday, March 3, 2006, 10:34 AM

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OP here-I agree with recognizing the company and did send them an email yesterday thanking them for having the info. available!

Friday, March 3, 2006, 10:34 AM

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OP here-I agree with recognizing the company and did send them an email yesterday thanking them for having the info. available!

Friday, March 3, 2006, 10:34 AM

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