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Torn between guys...


This is the poster from the "Women with shorter husbands/bfs" thread.

Okay so I guess I need more opinions here.. I can do a pro and con list of each of these guys... they are running different races though... Guy A I met when he had a gf/fiance. They broke up almost a year ago. We are emotionally very close, and have had feelings for eachother for along while.

Guy B I met through guy A randomly one day because they happen to know eachother from a party several yrs earlier. Him and I are a new thing. He is very shy and seems to kinda keep his feelings locked up because he has been burned in the past.

Guy a- socially outgoing... charming... would go to a dance class with me... is very uhm.. experienced and would try anything... always smells amazing.. always compliments me...very romantic.. has a "traditional" religious family (big).. wants a more lavish life style Like I do as well... a go getter

Guy b- smart... very awesome to lounge with... very laid back... very domestic in terms of cleaning the house etc.. my brother likes him ( which is big).. physically taller then me, makes me feel smal ( also big) I can actually tell him exactly what I want using a brackets system... example " Well I don't know about this" (read: I'm not comfortable because this has happened to me before and I need your support on this). haha

Guy a- physically shorter and smaller then me... seems to be verrry emotional at times... can be a lot like my ex... brother thinks he's like my ex.. ( who was just like a jerry springer case) seems to think of himself a lot in terms of would should be happy... we get into little sqabbles over nothing.. his fam is a lot different then mine... he's very " go with the flow" and I'm very " lets plan"..

Guy b- is very unobservant... appears to be indifferent, but occasionally moody.. has a broken fam ( again nothing wrong with that, just I come from a house with two parents who have been married for 30 yrs and they are only 50 lol) doesnt seem as romantic, socially awkward.. doesnt want the same exact future.. seems to be odd about normal things.. ( he HATESSS feet) and isn't as sexually experienced as the first guy..

Other factors: I plan on hyphenating my name when I get married... Guy a's name sounds really dumb with mine as they both start with the same letter...
Guys b name sounds great.

I'm fairly young... guy a is 4 yrs older, guy b is 2 yrs older.

I actually have almost the same feelings for both... guy A I havent even kissed yet, guy b we have etc.

I dont like the idea of me kissing guy b before we were dating, throwing me back to guy a. I don't like the emotional stress guy a is putting on me, so I'm thrown back to guy b.

I could see a life ( down the road/ marriage) with guy a...

I could see right now with guy b...

I know ppl have put on here about marriages and such... so I think any insite on this would be great.

Tue. Sep 12, 12:54pm

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