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Fruity Cheerios-- thanks guys

I'm pretty much done with the "all personal responsibility all the time" crowd. Yes, I am a parent, I take care of my kids. But there is a ton of time that I have no control over my kids.

Fruity Cheerios is the kind of product tailor made to undermine my ability to keep my kids sugar intake to a safe level. I stock regular Cheerios (1 gram of sugar per serving) and have since my kids could pick them up. The are a staple, for car rides, walks- the ever convenient ziploc bag of Cheerios- always comes through. Those of you who are parents know exactly what I am talking about.

Now comes this product, that is an obvious rip off of Fruit Loops. Fruit Loops are something no parent in my affluent NJ suburb would keep in the kitchen or anywhere near the kids. They would be stoned to death, reported to the ACLU etc etc. But Fruity Cheerios carry NONE of the stigma associated with Fruit Loops. Cheerios are good healthy, all american, a utlitarian minimalist masterpiece.

Apparently Fruity Cheerios are riding some very long coattails. My 3 year old came bounding into the house last evening, and I asked my nanny what the f she did. In the nicest tone of course, because you can't piss off a nanny in these parts. They talk. Anyway, after some very delicate questioning, I find out that my very good friends had served the kids Fruity Cheerios. w.t.f.

I went to the website where they proudly exclaim that Fruity Cheerios only have 25% less sugar! Gee thanks guys. I am a responsible parent, I bleed for my kids, and you undermine me with manipulative product crap like this?

And the worst of it is that I now have to raise a very uncomfortable issue with a friend and nieghbor I rely on. I guess this is all part of my "personal responsibility"!

Thu. Sep 14, 1:41pm

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