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adjusting your body to exercise

You are ready to get started exercising and you are not confident about what you can do. Truth be told, I could motivate you right now to do an outrageous workout, perhaps run a marathon.

It is simple. I'd give you $5,000 for the first mile run, $10,000 for the second and go on from there. This, of course, would not be a wise plan. Tomorrow, while counting your riches, your body would be a mess.

Your calves would be on fire, your low back would hurt, and it's possible that you would have done permanent damage somewhere. Obviously, this would not be the best way to begin a workout program.

Your Body's Internal Balance

Your body is constantly modulating between what is possible and what is sensible. If you were out in the wild, and you happened upon a bounty of food, and got out of shape for lack of need to hunt, and then one day, a lion strolled into your oasis, you would run that marathon and suffer the soreness and chronic pains later.

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Mon. Nov 10, 1:11pm

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adjusting your body to exercise

This is a really good article, and I'm going to start doing it myself. I have never had a gratifying workout, so I'm eager to start.

Friday, January 23, 2009, 11:12 PM

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adjusting your body to exercist

Your right! This is a very good article, I know the reason I am not dropping the weight is I am not moving enough. I am taking the advice and starting today~

Saturday, January 24, 2009, 2:02 PM

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If anyone has problems with chronic pain (after addressing causes with your doctor) rubbing capsacin cream on the spots that get tend to get sore before you exercise. This has really helped me be able to exercise more. I think there are other people on this site who have pain issues.


Saturday, January 24, 2009, 6:42 PM

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