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Why Cant I sleep?
Okay here is some background.... Ive worked out my entire life.... in the past 3 weeks I have gotten really serious about my work outs again.. (i now work out 6 days a week between 30 - 60 min a day) I work hard!
I eat really well.. I try to stay away from proccessed food.. I dont eat fast food... I eat 25-30 g fiber a day TONS of fresh fruits and veggies.. I eat meat and dairy. I drink 2 cups of coffee (before noon) a day.
When my work out is over im always just filled with energy.... and it just doesnt leave! but then I cant sleep at night?
Anyone have any suggestions, I thought I would be more drained from the extra work ive bin doing but its really the opposite It makes my mornings really hard when I only get 3 hours of sleep.
Fri. Nov 7, 10:17am
Work out in the morning? Sounds like you'd be ready to take on the day.
We're all a little different when it comes to how things affect us. I know I can down shots of pure caffine and exercise like a fiend right before bed and sleep like a log. However my SIL can't even handle a couple squares of chocolate and gets wired from an evening walk.
So, it might be just how you are. However, you could try a soothing stretching/yoga routine, a hot bath, warm milk, meditation or any number of things that help people sleep. Also make sure your room is really dark and a few degrees colder than the rest of the house if possible. Eliminate clutter and make your bedroom as serene and 'eascape-like' as possible. Don't watch TV there or eat there - use it only for sleeping. If you have a nice SO, consider asking for a backrub before bed (which can lead to other things that help one sleep ;-)).
Friday, November 7, 2008, 11:18 AM
Work out in the morning? Sounds like you'd be ready to take on the day.
We're all a little different when it comes to how things affect us. I know I can down shots of pure caffine and exercise like a fiend right before bed and sleep like a log. However my SIL can't even handle a couple squares of chocolate and gets wired from an evening walk.
So, it might be just how you are. However, you could try a soothing stretching/yoga routine, a hot bath, warm milk, meditation or any number of things that help people sleep. Also make sure your room is really dark and a few degrees colder than the rest of the house if possible. Eliminate clutter and make your bedroom as serene and 'eascape-like' as possible. Don't watch TV there or eat there - use it only for sleeping. If you have a nice SO, consider asking for a backrub before bed (which can lead to other things that help one sleep ;-)).
Friday, November 7, 2008, 11:18 AM
Work out in the morning? Sounds like you'd be ready to take on the day.
We're all a little different when it comes to how things affect us. I know I can down shots of pure caffine and exercise like a fiend right before bed and sleep like a log. However my SIL can't even handle a couple squares of chocolate and gets wired from an evening walk.
So, it might be just how you are. However, you could try a soothing stretching/yoga routine, a hot bath, warm milk, meditation or any number of things that help people sleep. Also make sure your room is really dark and a few degrees colder than the rest of the house if possible. Eliminate clutter and make your bedroom as serene and 'eascape-like' as possible. Don't watch TV there or eat there - use it only for sleeping. If you have a nice SO, consider asking for a backrub before bed (which can lead to other things that help one sleep ;-)).
Friday, November 7, 2008, 11:18 AM
go advice pp - especially about the back rub!! ;)
Friday, November 7, 2008, 12:05 PM
go advice pp - especially about the back rub!! ;)
Friday, November 7, 2008, 12:05 PM
go advice pp - especially about the back rub!! ;)
Friday, November 7, 2008, 12:05 PM
I've found that if I eat anything within two hours of going to bed, that I will have a little more difficulty sleeping.
You should try exercising before going to bed... I started going for a walk/jog around my block at night. Take the dogs out for a walk and end up walking a couple of miles. I slept like a baby those nites.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 12:18 PM
I've found that if I eat anything within two hours of going to bed, that I will have a little more difficulty sleeping.
You should try exercising before going to bed... I started going for a walk/jog around my block at night. Take the dogs out for a walk and end up walking a couple of miles. I slept like a baby those nites.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 12:18 PM
I've found that if I eat anything within two hours of going to bed, that I will have a little more difficulty sleeping.
You should try exercising before going to bed... I started going for a walk/jog around my block at night. Take the dogs out for a walk and end up walking a couple of miles. I slept like a baby those nites.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 12:18 PM
OP - do you have a night time routine (e.g., wash face, brush teeth, jammies, watch a little tube)? many of those habits signal to our brain that it's time to wind down for the night and help falling asleep easier.
i feel your pain w/ the sleep factor - i have no problem falling asleep, it's staying asleep. however, i sleep better when i follow a nighttime routine than if i don't.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 12:46 PM
OP - do you have a night time routine (e.g., wash face, brush teeth, jammies, watch a little tube)? many of those habits signal to our brain that it's time to wind down for the night and help falling asleep easier.
i feel your pain w/ the sleep factor - i have no problem falling asleep, it's staying asleep. however, i sleep better when i follow a nighttime routine than if i don't.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 12:46 PM
OP - do you have a night time routine (e.g., wash face, brush teeth, jammies, watch a little tube)? many of those habits signal to our brain that it's time to wind down for the night and help falling asleep easier.
i feel your pain w/ the sleep factor - i have no problem falling asleep, it's staying asleep. however, i sleep better when i follow a nighttime routine than if i don't.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 12:46 PM
I'm the same way. If I exercise any time after 6pm, I don't sleep. Maybe if you keep it up, you're body will get used to it. If not, then I think the only thing you can really do is exercise earlier or less intensely.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 1:07 PM
I'm the same way. If I exercise any time after 6pm, I don't sleep. Maybe if you keep it up, you're body will get used to it. If not, then I think the only thing you can really do is exercise earlier or less intensely.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 1:07 PM
I'm the same way. If I exercise any time after 6pm, I don't sleep. Maybe if you keep it up, you're body will get used to it. If not, then I think the only thing you can really do is exercise earlier or less intensely.
Friday, November 7, 2008, 1:07 PM
OP Here
because of my work schedule twice a week I work out at 11am and 3 times a week I work out at 6pm and then on sundays I work out whenever I feel like it... I dont notice any difference in the time of day I work out with my sleeping habbits Im just wired from the minute i leave the gym till the next morning when Im exhausted from no sleep?
I go two days a week with no coffe (i used to drink 6 cups a day im down to two 5 days a week so I dont think caffiene is my problem)
Ill try not eating two hours before bed. I usually eat a yogurt or a couple celery sticks of something within and hour or two of sleep.... (i actually eat every 2 hours a couple hundred cal all day long) i stop around 8:00pm other then a tiny Under 40cal snack around 10:00pm and go to bed at 10:30 or 11:00.
I do have a routine for bed time...
my bf does rub my back some nights and it helps someitme if we get it on though... im WIRED after... no sleep for me those nights...
I just cant wind down after I wind up I guess...
Ill try a hot bath or caffiene free tea tonight... Im looking into yoga too..
when i lay it all out on the computer here I think its my work outs i cant get off the High I get... Maybe im just adjusting too though... im sure ill eventually get tired enough ill just pass out lol
Friday, November 7, 2008, 4:19 PM
OP Here
because of my work schedule twice a week I work out at 11am and 3 times a week I work out at 6pm and then on sundays I work out whenever I feel like it... I dont notice any difference in the time of day I work out with my sleeping habbits Im just wired from the minute i leave the gym till the next morning when Im exhausted from no sleep?
I go two days a week with no coffe (i used to drink 6 cups a day im down to two 5 days a week so I dont think caffiene is my problem)
Ill try not eating two hours before bed. I usually eat a yogurt or a couple celery sticks of something within and hour or two of sleep.... (i actually eat every 2 hours a couple hundred cal all day long) i stop around 8:00pm other then a tiny Under 40cal snack around 10:00pm and go to bed at 10:30 or 11:00.
I do have a routine for bed time...
my bf does rub my back some nights and it helps someitme if we get it on though... im WIRED after... no sleep for me those nights...
I just cant wind down after I wind up I guess...
Ill try a hot bath or caffiene free tea tonight... Im looking into yoga too..
when i lay it all out on the computer here I think its my work outs i cant get off the High I get... Maybe im just adjusting too though... im sure ill eventually get tired enough ill just pass out lol
Friday, November 7, 2008, 4:19 PM
OP Here
because of my work schedule twice a week I work out at 11am and 3 times a week I work out at 6pm and then on sundays I work out whenever I feel like it... I dont notice any difference in the time of day I work out with my sleeping habbits Im just wired from the minute i leave the gym till the next morning when Im exhausted from no sleep?
I go two days a week with no coffe (i used to drink 6 cups a day im down to two 5 days a week so I dont think caffiene is my problem)
Ill try not eating two hours before bed. I usually eat a yogurt or a couple celery sticks of something within and hour or two of sleep.... (i actually eat every 2 hours a couple hundred cal all day long) i stop around 8:00pm other then a tiny Under 40cal snack around 10:00pm and go to bed at 10:30 or 11:00.
I do have a routine for bed time...
my bf does rub my back some nights and it helps someitme if we get it on though... im WIRED after... no sleep for me those nights...
I just cant wind down after I wind up I guess...
Ill try a hot bath or caffiene free tea tonight... Im looking into yoga too..
when i lay it all out on the computer here I think its my work outs i cant get off the High I get... Maybe im just adjusting too though... im sure ill eventually get tired enough ill just pass out lol
Friday, November 7, 2008, 4:19 PM
you might need to improve your diet to help you sleep better.
The PEERtrainer Cheat System is a new, (free) and simple to follow system for eating. The objective is to help guide you towards a way of eating that will make it easier to lose weight, give you more energy and help you feel better.
We have created a short blog post that explains a bit more, as well as instructions on how to download it:
Link To PEERtrainer Cheat System
Saturday, February 19, 2011, 3:16 PM
you might need to improve your diet to help you sleep better.
The PEERtrainer Cheat System is a new, (free) and simple to follow system for eating. The objective is to help guide you towards a way of eating that will make it easier to lose weight, give you more energy and help you feel better.
We have created a short blog post that explains a bit more, as well as instructions on how to download it:
Link To PEERtrainer Cheat System
Saturday, February 19, 2011, 3:16 PM
you might need to improve your diet to help you sleep better.
The PEERtrainer Cheat System is a new, (free) and simple to follow system for eating. The objective is to help guide you towards a way of eating that will make it easier to lose weight, give you more energy and help you feel better.
We have created a short blog post that explains a bit more, as well as instructions on how to download it:
Link To PEERtrainer Cheat System
Saturday, February 19, 2011, 3:16 PM
I've read somewhere before your not supposed to workout at least 2 hours before you go to bed because it triggers some type of endorphins that make you stay up
Sunday, February 20, 2011, 1:52 AM
I've read somewhere before your not supposed to workout at least 2 hours before you go to bed because it triggers some type of endorphins that make you stay up
Sunday, February 20, 2011, 1:52 AM
I've read somewhere before your not supposed to workout at least 2 hours before you go to bed because it triggers some type of endorphins that make you stay up
Sunday, February 20, 2011, 1:52 AM
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