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proof that eating enough matters!

I just wanted to share with you guys a very happy experience I've just had. I've been a troubled eater for years... I am always on a starve/binge cycle and recently I've been doing more reading on the damage that that does to the metabolism. I never go over 1200 calories out of this fear that I will gain weight ( really I'm just confusing weight gain with the feeling of being full!), and I've been stuck with 10 pounds to lose for years. I decided that it was time once and for all to treat my body better and add a little more healthy food to my daily routine, in hopes to re-adjust my metabolism and restore my health.It was a very scary thing for me to do...and I was sure I would gain weight, and I was even preparing myself for that. Its been two weeks now of 1500 cals a day, lots of brown rice, veggies, oatmeal, cheese and meats( I usually restrict myself only to atkins bars during the week and a weekend binge on a cheeseburger deluxe...bad habits) and I've lost 4 pounds. I'm so happy to be treating my body better, and I just thought that all of you non-believers out there trying to starver yourselves would benefit from my experience because I too was a non-believer. You need to eat to lose weight... you and your body will be happy:)

Fri. Feb 17, 4:54pm

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