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Tips on getting started with my weight loss?

I am a mom, 150 pounds, gave birth 2 years ago, used to be 126 pounds. Where do I start? I know how to count points, I refuse to step foot in another meeting, I just keep falling back into the stress eating trap at 8pm when dc goes to sleep. Any advice you give me is nothing I have not heard before, but it'll help to hear it again nonetheless.


Tue. Feb 28, 12:26pm

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Exercise, exercise, exercise. It will increase your metabolism and release endorhphins that make you feel great. Walk, jump rope, do DVDs, whatever it takes. Don't get too caught up in an fad diets, just eat sensibly and add in veggies and fruit to fill you up.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006, 12:30 PM

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For starters I would just start logging your food every day and not make any changes just yet. Write in the notes section a brief sketch of your day and any stressful times. After a week or two print off all your logs and go through them. Look for trends, food groups you are not getting enough of, what kinds of empty calories you consume and when and why you consume them.

How will you get where you're going if you don't know where you are? What route should you take? Well just like anyt crossroads that depends largely on where you are right now, and you should really stop, examine your situation and then decide which route is best for you. You may have a general idea, but you will likely be surprised by how well logging your food for just a short time can illustrate the changes you should make, and they will be the right ones for you and your life. We are right here for advice and support, but in the end you need to decide what's right for you, and the logs are a great tool.

Best wishes!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006, 1:41 PM

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same situation

I'm also a mom and started out last May trying to lose. I've always been "heavy". So this time around I tried something a little different, small changes instead of drastic. This is a slow process, but so far its worked.
1st I cut my sugar and creamer in half when I fixed my coffee. Didn't like it at first, now I can't go back.
2nd I started paying attention to what I was eating, the choices I made. Logging really helped.
3rd I made and still make small goals for myself. Ex) I can indulge but only up to 150 calories or 1 brownie, must eat 3 salads this week, must get in 3 exercises

While doing this, I tried to move around and burn as many calories as possible. Ex) park far away when I know its going to be nice, if its not a pretty day, I'd go to the store and walk around on my lunch break. Also, try to schedule regular exercise.
Again, this is a slow process, but its worked for me. I'm now down to my last 10 and I'm not able to indulge as much, but I think for starting out, its a good place.
Good luck!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006, 4:19 PM

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I too, have 2 kids and gained 40 pounds with each pregnancy. My prepregnancy weight was 120. I've managed to whittle it down to 130 but it has taken about a year to do this. My advice is to focus on the one thing that keeps you eating indisciminately. You mention after 8pm. Then that is where you start. Cut back on what you are doing or substitute healthier items. For me, it had to be cold turkey. Nothing except fruit after 8pm. Before that I was shoving handfuls of cereal, pretzels and cookies in my mouth. Now, exercise never hurts and if you are doing nothing now, ANYTHING will be an improvement. Give yourself a month to lose 2 pounds, that seems like an easier goal than promising you'll lose 20 and then fail. This is a mind game. Once you see some results, however small, KEEP GOING, and don't give up or give in!

Sunday, March 5, 2006, 11:00 PM

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I agree with everyone here. Instead of grabbing for a snack how about a glass of water, maybe you are just thirsty and not hungry. My moto is think before you eat. Ask yourself do I really need this? I find if I'm hungry I go do something, cause the hunger only lasts a few minutes. Starting slowly, never give up this is a long journey. It took me 25 years to get this way and I'm not going to lose the weight over night. For starter you came to the right place just being here is the first step. You can do it!!!!

Monday, March 6, 2006, 11:54 AM

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