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My mum

My mother put on weight after my fourth sibling was born. She was very active then but slowly and steadily the weight has piled on her. She is 52 years of age and must weight 300 lbs. I am not sure how much she weighs, becoz she never gets on a scale.
Of late when I became conscious of my own overweight and am on the weight loss journey, I am trying to convince her to do small changes to lose some weight. But she gets on the defensive all the time. She hates to walk. She just hates it. I try coaxing her to come for walks with me, but she just refuses. She doesnt like to get dressed or do any makeup. She sits and watches tv the whole day. She does cook for us, I am not saying she neglects her children, but apart from the mandatory, routine tasks, she spends all her time watching tv, or napping on the couch. I feel so scared for her. She might just have a heart attack one day and just go away. I just cant express how emotional I am while writing this.
I feel so helpless. I dont want to lose her at any cost. I want her to live a long life and enjoy it. But she is just rotting it up. I feel ashamed at myself for having to speak like this about her, may god never forgive me.

I feel helpless as I watch her eating fatty stuff. She nags my dad about it as he has had a heart attack, but has no control over her own sweet and fried foods intake. She says she does yoga and even jogging at home, but I dont believe it. I havent seen her do it when I am at home.
How can I motivate her? I shud add here that she is going through her menopause and there are other very stressful things happening in our lives.
I am considering buying her a treadmill.. She agrees to do it. But what will I do if she doesnt like it? She hates to walk, so what guarantee I have that she is using it. She might say she used it during the day when I am away, but can I really monitor that? No, coz she is alone at home most of the time.

I am sorry I am writing this. I desperately need some help.

Thu. Feb 9, 2:55am

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