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Best Tips and Motivation Strategies

Hello everyone. I'm new here and thought I would add something to the groups I joined with some tips I've used successfully on my good health journey so I posted these yesterday in a few of my groups. Some members in them encouraged me to post them in the community so more could read them. I hope you enjoy them. Some will resonate with you, others won't. I would love any tips you might have as well.

When sitting down to eat decide how much you will eat then and there. Heavily salt the portion you don't want to eat. You won't eat it if it's covered in salt! WASTE the food or WAIST the food. It's that simple.

Eating out is the biggest saboteur. Don't look at your meal there as your only chance to eat something delicious that you didn't have to prepare yoursself. Go for the salad with light dressing on the side with chicken breast. Drink lots of unsweet tea and water with your meal. Know that you can make your own delicious and healthy meals at home and enjoy those instead.

No one really gets fat off of GOOD food. We get fat from chips and sweets and processed foods. Learn to make your favorite healthy dish the best you can make it, add lemon, Molly McButter and other spices to punch it up. Make tons of sauteed veggies with it and eat til your heart is content. Often we eat boring unflavorful foods and then want to reward ourselves with something that really tastes good and sastisfys us...chocolate, chips...My favorite thing is skewered shrimp and veggies. I buy veggies, chop them right away, all of them, and put them in a large baggie with a little olive oil and tons of fresh herbs. Marinate them then grill them alongside the shrimp (olive oil, garlic, cajun seasonings) and this meal rocks and I can eat til I'm full and not feel like I'm depriving myself.

Find an exercise you LOVE and can do at least 40 minutes of. I get bored easily and fast so I fill my IPOD list with surefire energetic music and just get outside and dance and jump and act like a teenager! If I get bored there I take off running, skipping, sprinting, whatever. I just keep moving, doing what I want to do!

Commit to being honest and not rationalizing inappropriate and undesirable behavior such as making excuses to get out of your workout or to eat something you shouldn't.

Eat to live, don't live to eat.

Always always reach for a pure food instead of a bad food. If you are hungry enough to eat you can eat a banana or an orange or some nuts. If that doesn't sound good then you aren't that hungry and are eating for some other reason.

Don't buy the food thinking that you can ration it. I have bought those fun size candy bars in a huge bag and told myself I'd treat myself to one or two a day. We all know what happens. We do well a couple of days, hit a bad, stressful day and we devour ten or more of those suckers all at once. Don't buy it. Have healthy snack ONLY in your house.

Energy creates energy. Get out and move when you are feeling sluggish and tired. Get some fresh oxygen in your system and you'll find your second wind.

Be honest with your posting. If you aren't honest about what you ate you won't do yourself any good.

Do at least 15 minutes of exercise ! Set a timer. Commit to 15 minutes. If you don't want to do any more after 15 minutes you don't have to. Anyone can do anything for 15 minutes. You'll often find you can keep going longer yet if you didn't get that 15 minutes in you wouldn't have done anything that day.

Wed. Oct 19, 8:48am

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