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For all those involved in the constant religious/political debate here.

Peertrainer is not the place to be debating religion, social issues, or politics. It is a place to get support for living a healthy lifestyle. We all are different and that's ok. We join groups that have similar goals and put the rest aside to accomplish these goals together.

Religious issues:
For those who worship and have faith in God (or whom ever you choose), some do appreciate your prayers and quotes from the scriptures but for those who don't, please don't preach to them. I know you may have good intentions but when a heart is hardened you will only drive them further away from the Lord. If/when they are ready to embrace it they will come to you. If they say something against your beliefs just leave it alone! The Lord knows his believers and it's not your job to convert non-believers or force your beliefs down their throat.

For those non believers/agnostics/Wicans/etc, please don't take offence to religious comments, they are meant to encourage and help (from most), not to "brain wash" you or threaten you. Let the person know that you don't appreciate their comment NICELY or look past the content to me intention of the comment.

We all need to appreciate each other for who we are, not put each other down. Isn't that what this website is all about? Get away from those who don't help us in our goal to a healthier lifestyle and find acceptance and help from those with similar goals.

I understand where ALL are coming from on these debates. I was brought up Athiest with many friends who practiced "alternative religions" and was very defensive about my feelings, until I started working in healthcare. How can you tell a person who is about ready to die, in pain, and very scared who asks you to hold their hand and pray "I'm athiest, I don't believe in your conformist religion"? I'd hold their hand, close my eyes, and think about something else, like what all i still have to get done. It won't kill you to close your eyes to something that isn't hurting you. And now I'm a Christian and I love the gospel and love talking about it. I want everyone to feel the love and comfort that the scriptures and prayer bring into my life but I know that not everyone has a welcome heart to it.

No one should be offended or offending others here, that's not what here is for. If you want to get into heated discussions on religion/politics/social issues go to forums especially for that. Or if your group members want to discuss that fine, but don't go searching for a fight.

One final note: For those who think my God is a "homophobic", racist, etc, etc, etc... He loves all his children. Those who believe, those who don't, those who are straight, those who are gay, those who are terrorists, those who are fighting in a war to end terrorism, ALL HIS CHILDREN. Not everyone will receive the blessings that are out there for living a reverent and pure lifestyle but everyone is loved and does receive blessings for the good that they do do.

Fri. Jun 1, 3:25pm

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