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Considering leaving PT due to all the 'political correctness' - unmotivating environment

I thought I'd add to that 'get a piece of this' thread, but then decided to start my own. Feeling like I'm standing at a crossroad, and maybe someone here will support my decision to leave, or, opposite, reassure me to stay.

I joined the site about 3 months ago, and, honestly, have been a daily logger (or multiple-times-a-day logger) since. Fine, I got over all those other groupmates who never post, etc. One thing I can't get over though is this politically correct environment everyone is supporting. Sorry, but it doesn't motivate me AT ALL. I am currently a member in a few groups, all basically working towards 'loosing those last 10 pounds'. Meaning, people don't start there weighting 200 pounds. Then, looking through their profiles, some of the members have been on the PT since like beginning of 2006 or earlier. So what the heck, you've been here for a year and a half, and still can't loose those 10 pounds to go down from 135 to 125?!? And then all that 'kind' commenting of 'congrats on your lunch choices yesterday!' sort of thing! Give me a break! That's how I always eat, you see my log every day, and if I do have a comp office lunch it doesn't mean I'll spread myself over the sweets & cookies table, and save those congrats for someone for whom that's a huge achevement, not me. And anyway, I'd rather have someone asking me why did I do a crappy choice (if ever) and telling me that I'll never loose those silly 10 pounds if I won't stop such kind of fallbacks in my diet. Or tell me that if I finally won't get my ass up and go running I'll stay flabby forever. Otherwise, I can just continue to log in all the crap I'm eating and all my zero workout days, and, who cares, really? So what's the point of being here? There's no motivation, none, zero. I started three months ago with a lot of hope, and now I'm beginning to get indifferent to this site. I honestly can't see a lot of progress happening here, with me myself, or majority of my groups' members (have to admit that the larger people, I've seen, been doing great going down to and then from 200s. So does everything has to stop when you're under 150-140 though?..).

Anyway, I guess I wanted to say that when I first joined, my b/f was laughing and saying that this site is for sort of loosers (and not the weight loosers! LOL) only, who are desperately lazy and dwelling on their 'diets' of burgers and diet soda, and I fought him back on that. Now, I am not sure anymore. Was he correct?...

I'll be happy to stay if someone would reassure me it's worth it.

Also, was that 'jerks only' team ever created?... LOL

Mon. Jul 2, 12:51pm

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