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"Consult your physician before beginning this weight loss program"
How many of us actually see our doctor before beginning a diet or an exercise regimen?
Have you done it?
Tue. Sep 30, 6:17pm
Nope never.. never heard of anyone who has either.
When I see that on a video or in a book I usually grunt.. just like most people.. and turn the page or fast forward!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 6:25 PM
my doc reccommended a specific eating program to me, so there was no need to consult. I never spoke to my doc about running or swimming, however, I did take her my T-tapp video to watch, and she said, great, do it, and make your mom do it to (my doc knows there are somethings my mother and I waive confidentiality on)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 7:00 PM
I am under doctor supervision. I see him every 3-6 months and a dietician every 3-6 months.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 7:01 PM
My doc always asks at my annual checkup if I've been keeping active, so I tell her what I'm doing. She says it's very important to do something active every day.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 7:14 PM
I have ben dieting and exercising more or less strenuously since June - had a a meet and greet with my new doctor today. First time in my life a doctor has ever asked for a list of the supplements I take, and then made some suggestions for tweaking them; and asked for detailed info on my exercise program, including technique questions about specific lifts - I feel empowered to have my doctor on my side! What a breath of fresh air! (unfortunately he looks like he's 15 years old, I always liked Marcus Welby. LOL)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 5:14 PM
Most say that as a "cover your ass" statement meaning if you overexert yourself or run into problems you can't come back and sue them because they "told you so". Ever wonder why there are SO many warnings on things, even if they are stupid warnings? It's because at some point in time someone did something stupid and tried to sue for it. Hard to believe that someone would actually think they could dry their hair in a bathtub, but it's probably been done and the company probably got sued. Or how about the kooky lady who was suing Victoria's secret because the little dangly thing on her thong hit her in the eye. She sued. Now all my underwear will have warning labels on them. Yowie!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 5:29 PM
My cardiologist, for one, would never let me near this plan. I have to take blood thinner medication, and the vitamin K which is in all of Furhman's foods with the highest points counteract the blood thinner, which would, at best, require me to take a lot more of the medication, costing a lot more (no health insurance at the present time because, ironically, my university forced me to take a medical leave of absence); and at worst, could allow for the formation of aneurysms to which I am prone or clots that could cause strokes, which has also happened to me already. The fruits and vegetables on his list that do not have vitamin K are all much lower on his points scale. I could never reach his daily points goal.
So that might be one reason to check with your physician.
The other is, if you are exercising a lot, as you should be, the diet may not provide you with enough natural proteins to help your muscles regenerate to grow stronger.
I'm sure there are other concerns.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 7:51 PM
I think that this is important for people who are on medications. Diabetics, for example, can end up over-medicating themselves as they lose weight. Also, for people who are thinking of adding certain dietary supplements to their weight loss regiment, it is important to check for certain underlying medical conditions that could worsen as a result. One example is kidney disease and protein supplements.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 5:21 PM
consult your doctor
Actually, this time I did do it. I was already going due to hypertension that was not responding to medication. It was time to make a choice. My doctor suggested a partial fasting program. It was closely supervised. I did it, hated it, but lost weight and changed my eating habits. I am now back on a "normal" reduced calorie diet and doing OK. But I really needed the accountability and structure in the beginning.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 8:25 AM
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