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want info on tai chi, qigong and pilates
i'm in a remote area without access to studios and instructors and rely on walking and yoga to keep me fit. A friend suggested I also add some tai chi, qigong and pilates since they complement yoga. any suggestions, especially on DVDs? I haven't tried these forms of exercise, but no harm trying, right (sure, if they are done improperly, all forms of exercise can cause harm)?
Fri. Feb 24, 4:00am
My boyfriend is really big into qigong and tai chi, he says books are better than videos most of the time for tai chi and qigong. I will get a list and update you this weekend. A good way to begin pilates it to do a DVD called the 10 Minute Solution: Pilates, also Windsor pilates are really nice DVD's. If you want to get another excellent Yoga video try Yoga Shakti: by Shiva Rea, and I have been told that David Swenson:Short Forms Ashtanga Yoga is really good as well.
you can check out my boyfriend's blog as well on qigong.
Take care :)
Friday, February 24, 2006, 7:45 AM
My boyfriend is really big into qigong and tai chi, he says books are better than videos most of the time for tai chi and qigong. I will get a list and update you this weekend. A good way to begin pilates it to do a DVD called the 10 Minute Solution: Pilates, also Windsor pilates are really nice DVD's. If you want to get another excellent Yoga video try Yoga Shakti: by Shiva Rea, and I have been told that David Swenson:Short Forms Ashtanga Yoga is really good as well.
you can check out my boyfriend's blog as well on qigong.
Take care :)
Friday, February 24, 2006, 7:45 AM
My boyfriend is really big into qigong and tai chi, he says books are better than videos most of the time for tai chi and qigong. I will get a list and update you this weekend. A good way to begin pilates it to do a DVD called the 10 Minute Solution: Pilates, also Windsor pilates are really nice DVD's. If you want to get another excellent Yoga video try Yoga Shakti: by Shiva Rea, and I have been told that David Swenson:Short Forms Ashtanga Yoga is really good as well.
you can check out my boyfriend's blog as well on qigong.
Take care :)
Friday, February 24, 2006, 7:45 AM
I teach pilates, and the best video I have seen is the Winsor Pilates videos, or DVD's you can find them on or google. The best versions are the ab only workout, and the legs only workouts, each one is 20 minutes long, and you will see a major improvement in your core strength and the leanness of your legs will surprise you.
Friday, February 24, 2006, 9:08 AM
I teach pilates, and the best video I have seen is the Winsor Pilates videos, or DVD's you can find them on or google. The best versions are the ab only workout, and the legs only workouts, each one is 20 minutes long, and you will see a major improvement in your core strength and the leanness of your legs will surprise you.
Friday, February 24, 2006, 9:08 AM
I teach pilates, and the best video I have seen is the Winsor Pilates videos, or DVD's you can find them on or google. The best versions are the ab only workout, and the legs only workouts, each one is 20 minutes long, and you will see a major improvement in your core strength and the leanness of your legs will surprise you.
Friday, February 24, 2006, 9:08 AM
Tai Chi is quite meditative. I took weekly classes for a year and a half -- not sure why, since I didn't like it at all. It doesn't have any cardiovascular value (at least, not the style I studied, which is the slow-motion stuff most people know about). Pilates is a fantastic core resistance workout but also not a fat-burner. I have no idea what qigong is, except that it also seems to be a style of bodywork/massage.
There's a thread on Pilates DVDs that you could search for on this board - it's pretty comprehensive.
Friday, February 24, 2006, 4:35 PM
Tai Chi is quite meditative. I took weekly classes for a year and a half -- not sure why, since I didn't like it at all. It doesn't have any cardiovascular value (at least, not the style I studied, which is the slow-motion stuff most people know about). Pilates is a fantastic core resistance workout but also not a fat-burner. I have no idea what qigong is, except that it also seems to be a style of bodywork/massage.
There's a thread on Pilates DVDs that you could search for on this board - it's pretty comprehensive.
Friday, February 24, 2006, 4:35 PM
Tai Chi is quite meditative. I took weekly classes for a year and a half -- not sure why, since I didn't like it at all. It doesn't have any cardiovascular value (at least, not the style I studied, which is the slow-motion stuff most people know about). Pilates is a fantastic core resistance workout but also not a fat-burner. I have no idea what qigong is, except that it also seems to be a style of bodywork/massage.
There's a thread on Pilates DVDs that you could search for on this board - it's pretty comprehensive.
Friday, February 24, 2006, 4:35 PM
I have taken pilates classes that were really fast and fat-burning! But it takes time to work up to that. Tai Chi is much more mental than physical, But I know people who have been working at it for years and it is also a physical workout for them.
Saturday, February 25, 2006, 9:20 PM
I have taken pilates classes that were really fast and fat-burning! But it takes time to work up to that. Tai Chi is much more mental than physical, But I know people who have been working at it for years and it is also a physical workout for them.
Saturday, February 25, 2006, 9:20 PM
I have taken pilates classes that were really fast and fat-burning! But it takes time to work up to that. Tai Chi is much more mental than physical, But I know people who have been working at it for years and it is also a physical workout for them.
Saturday, February 25, 2006, 9:20 PM
i'm the person who posted the query. thank you all for the information you've given so far. the qigong link in the first posting is particularly very linteresting and i look forward to seeing the list of websites and dvds on these subjects. just reading peer trainer posts makes me all excited about exercise!
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 4:59 AM
i'm the person who posted the query. thank you all for the information you've given so far. the qigong link in the first posting is particularly very linteresting and i look forward to seeing the list of websites and dvds on these subjects. just reading peer trainer posts makes me all excited about exercise!
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 4:59 AM
i'm the person who posted the query. thank you all for the information you've given so far. the qigong link in the first posting is particularly very linteresting and i look forward to seeing the list of websites and dvds on these subjects. just reading peer trainer posts makes me all excited about exercise!
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 4:59 AM
Hello again :)
I am the second poster.
Here is another site for you to go to that my boyfriend highly recommends. ( t a i j i w o r l d)
Erle Montaigue
I will update you on more when I get it. Take care. Have a wonderful day.
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 1:50 PM
Hello again :)
I am the second poster.
Here is another site for you to go to that my boyfriend highly recommends. ( t a i j i w o r l d)
Erle Montaigue
I will update you on more when I get it. Take care. Have a wonderful day.
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 1:50 PM
Hello again :)
I am the second poster.
Here is another site for you to go to that my boyfriend highly recommends. ( t a i j i w o r l d)
Erle Montaigue
I will update you on more when I get it. Take care. Have a wonderful day.
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 1:50 PM
Qigong is the mother of tai chi and more meditative. Tai chi concentrates on flowing movements, one into another. The reason they are helpful in terms of overall fitness is that both will improve your sense of balance and spacial awareness, particularly important as you age. Women are far more prone to bone breaks as they age and they are the result of falls. Qigong and tai chi can be done throughout the lifespan to compliment fitness or training for competitive sports.
Monday, March 6, 2006, 8:57 AM
Qigong is the mother of tai chi and more meditative. Tai chi concentrates on flowing movements, one into another. The reason they are helpful in terms of overall fitness is that both will improve your sense of balance and spacial awareness, particularly important as you age. Women are far more prone to bone breaks as they age and they are the result of falls. Qigong and tai chi can be done throughout the lifespan to compliment fitness or training for competitive sports.
Monday, March 6, 2006, 8:57 AM
Qigong is the mother of tai chi and more meditative. Tai chi concentrates on flowing movements, one into another. The reason they are helpful in terms of overall fitness is that both will improve your sense of balance and spacial awareness, particularly important as you age. Women are far more prone to bone breaks as they age and they are the result of falls. Qigong and tai chi can be done throughout the lifespan to compliment fitness or training for competitive sports.
Monday, March 6, 2006, 8:57 AM
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