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Advice for college freshman girls (top 10 tips)

- You can and you will avoid the freshman 15 if you make sure that you don't choose the worst things available on the meal plan. There are salads, sandwiches and all kinds of things besides the cheeseburgers and french fries. Be aware of your portion size...stick with the small cokes, the frozen yogurt and pass on the late night pizza bonding with your floor mates. Have a few bites so it looks like you're participating in the fun and then be sure to pour a massive amount of salt on the rest of it so you're not tempted to eat it. Yes, I am aware that you are at your liberal heights and destroying food is not so PC, but how are you going to find the starving children in Africa at 2am from your dorm room?

- Do NOT drink from the punch at fraternity parties. They usually spike it with grain, which is virtually tasteless, and you'll get beyond inebriated....and you'll either a) have embarrassing photos taken of you and circulated to all of your acquaintances on facebook or b) you'll end up with a label like "drunk party girl - do not feed" and that will stay with you through the years. Have a drink, have 2 or three, but pace yourself.

- Make sure you ALWAYS have a pact with your friends that no one leaves each other at the end of the night. You really are better off going home with your friends. If you do hook up, don't leave your friend on her own to get home. Make sure she is taken care of with other friends and watch out for each other.

- Take classes you like. The point is to enjoy yourself, explore and find where you excel. That said, make sure you take art history. No exceptions to the rule. Your grades will be with you for the rest of your life - it's easier to get A's in classes that you like.

- Research your teachers. Ask around before you commit to your classes for the semester. You'll find who gives A's, who never gives A's, who is truly inspiring and who is only there because of tenure. Build a relationships. Depending on what you choose as a career, this could be one of the only times you have access to people who love to teach.

- Break up with your high school boyfriend by Thanksgiving at the very latest.

- Be respectful to your roommate even if you don't like her. You do have to live with her and the chances of you switching before 1st semester is over is highly unlikely. If she's not your type, hang out with everyone else on your floor. You probably won't end up liking her but make sure you're not enemies. Those rooms can be small.

- Don't get bummed out if your friends seem to be getting all the guys - they're most likely sleeping with them. Sometimes you can be a late bloomer and that's not a bad thing.

- No matter how much you'd like to transfer, really think about the reasons behind the decision. Is it because you miss a long distance boyfriend? Is it because you haven't made an effort at your school? Make sure it's for the right reasons. That said, if you can get into a much better school, go for it.

- Don't cancel on something just because it's raining too hard or you're tired from a morning class. You really only get this kind of freedom for a limited time in your life and you don't want to look back on it with memories of your sofa.

And finally.....Take college seriously and at the same time, have fun. Respect yourself and your professors. You'll thank yourself later.

Thu. Oct 4, 6:07pm

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