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adkins regain

Looking for same was 220 lost to 141 i am now 169 want to lose 49 lbs help push and support needed


Thu. Feb 23, 1:54pm

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Adkins Fresh Start

I am starting Adkins in the morning. I had heard about it over the years, but never actually studied the information. I am desperate. I have tried everything. I need all the support that I can get. I had posted at peer trainer a few weeks ago, had some personal upheaval and had to suspend just about everything for awhile. Now, I am getting my life back in order, but my eating is out of control. I am hoping that with Adkins I see a difference and get control better of my hunger. Tiggy. comments very welcome.

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 7:47 PM

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Adkins Fresh Start

I am starting Adkins in the morning. I had heard about it over the years, but never actually studied the information. I am desperate. I have tried everything. I need all the support that I can get. I had posted at peer trainer a few weeks ago, had some personal upheaval and had to suspend just about everything for awhile. Now, I am getting my life back in order, but my eating is out of control. I am hoping that with Adkins I see a difference and get control better of my hunger. Tiggy. comments very welcome.

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 7:47 PM

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Adkins Fresh Start

I am starting Adkins in the morning. I had heard about it over the years, but never actually studied the information. I am desperate. I have tried everything. I need all the support that I can get. I had posted at peer trainer a few weeks ago, had some personal upheaval and had to suspend just about everything for awhile. Now, I am getting my life back in order, but my eating is out of control. I am hoping that with Adkins I see a difference and get control better of my hunger. Tiggy. comments very welcome.

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 7:47 PM

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atkins regain

As you probably know the first few days of the induction phase are tough but then when you stop paying attention all of the sudden you are not soooo hungry and each day it gets better. The best way to kick things off is to start by being prepared-buy all the stuff you need to be prepared. Then outline choices when the munchies hit and remember lots of water!!!(flavored water when you get bored)

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 9:26 PM

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atkins regain

As you probably know the first few days of the induction phase are tough but then when you stop paying attention all of the sudden you are not soooo hungry and each day it gets better. The best way to kick things off is to start by being prepared-buy all the stuff you need to be prepared. Then outline choices when the munchies hit and remember lots of water!!!(flavored water when you get bored)

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 9:26 PM

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atkins regain

As you probably know the first few days of the induction phase are tough but then when you stop paying attention all of the sudden you are not soooo hungry and each day it gets better. The best way to kick things off is to start by being prepared-buy all the stuff you need to be prepared. Then outline choices when the munchies hit and remember lots of water!!!(flavored water when you get bored)

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 9:26 PM

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adkins non-fan

As a nurse and a foodie, I feel Adkins is kind of out of balance. You need some carbs. You really do. Balance is the key. That and consistent exercise.
no way around it.
Good luck, you sound motivated. Keep your support network going!

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 9:47 PM

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adkins non-fan

As a nurse and a foodie, I feel Adkins is kind of out of balance. You need some carbs. You really do. Balance is the key. That and consistent exercise.
no way around it.
Good luck, you sound motivated. Keep your support network going!

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 9:47 PM

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adkins non-fan

As a nurse and a foodie, I feel Adkins is kind of out of balance. You need some carbs. You really do. Balance is the key. That and consistent exercise.
no way around it.
Good luck, you sound motivated. Keep your support network going!

Thursday, May 31, 2007, 9:47 PM

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