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Conversation with my Stepfather
This conversation just baffles me. We were talking about weight loss and my stepdad (at least 60 pounds overweight) said defiantly:
SD: The way I feel is, I am right with God, there's no reason for me to have to torture myself by trying to lose weight. (implying that he doesn't need to do it to live longer because he knows he will go to Heaven when he dies)
Me: But isn't gluttony a sin?
SD: I don't eat too much, I just eat unhealthy.
Me: Well, I was a glutton before I lost weight. I don't think people realize how much they eat that they don't need to.
SD: I just don't see any need to lose weight if I'm happy how I am.
Me: What about being around for your grandkids?
SD: (scoffs and makes a joke) You won't want me around that long!
Me: Yes I will!
SD: (changes the subject)
I really hope this is a front he is putting up. I used to make "fat and happy" comments too, when I wasn't happy with it. But it really appalls me that he can be that immature and selfish about it. If he was an alcoholic I wouldn't stand for it but because its something as prominent and socially accepted as obesity, I am expected to laugh it off as if it isn't a serious problem.
What makes it worse is that my 9 year old brother is also very obese. His belly is so big that he has to wear clothes made for much older and taller boys. Its so sad to see his pant legs and sleeves so long - I am embarrassed for him. He looks so uncomfortable, like he will bust out of his skin. He's the sweetest kid but since he was small he's had an obsession with food that has turned him into not just a chubby boy but an extremely fat boy. But because my whole family is overweight and won't look past their own issues to make a real change. My mom said "I will never put him on a diet because my parents put me on a diet and I felt like they didn't love me as much because I was fat." Well, the way I feel is that just trying to make healthy meals and cut back on the desserts and encourage him in sports isn't going to make him lose 30 pounds. He needs something drastic. Again, if he had a disease, Mom wouldn't hesitate to take him to the doctor and do what was needed, instead of tip-toeing around it and acting like its not a big deal.
I don't really know why I posted this - to vent? I just wish there was something to do or say. Everytime I try to talk about it though they just say these ridiculous things I don't even know how to respond to. The worst was, when I was expressing concern over my brother's weight, my mom declared "You were quite fat once and I never said anything to you about it!" Well, yeah, Mom, I was quite fat BECAUSE OF HOW YOU RAISED ME. Of course my feelings would have been hurt if you had said something but maybe if you had taught me how to eat right and reined it in when I was young it would have never gotten to a point where I had to experience hurt feelings. Besides, when I was my brother's age I was not nearly as unhealthily obese as him.
I just honestly feel like they are so shortsightedly selfish. In this day and time where we have so much information at our fingertips, how can they turn a blind eye at the expense of their family?
Fri. Dec 28, 12:20am
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