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Wii Fit Rocks!

My wife brought home a Wii Fit, and I was not going to be impressed. It was alittle cutesy, and was way too cheap to be useful. I was so wrong. That little things is really cool. Don't get me wrong, there are a number of lame exercises in there, but there are bound to be, when there are over 30 to start with, and then tons more, once you get enough Wii Fit Credits to open them up.

I love the daily fit test. I will not let my character gain a single gram between days, because I want to see that chart line trend down to my goal. Also, I would never pay someone to teach me Yoga, so that I feel like a fool in front of total strangers. This thing takes you through breathing, stretching, etc, and you know what? I feel better, and more relaxed. You will not be able to throw away your running shoes, but this thing is a bargain at $89, just for the weight/BMI tracking and the Yoga moves.

Mind you, the Wii does not really care about your feelings. It might be cute, but it will tell you with no uncertain terms that you are overweight or even OBESE! It will even make your Mii character as big as you are! It also has no problem telling you that your Wii Fit age is 10 years older than you really are! It knows your age, but it still will tell you where your physical abilities lie.

This thing is a great tool. No matter what diet you are on, or what your activity level, this thing will inspire you to make your Mii smaller, and to beat the scale day after day!

Go get one, and let me know what you think!

Wed. May 28, 1:32pm

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