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How to deal with someone who is obsessed with food

My co-worker who shares office space with me and is not more that 10 feet away on an almost constant basis constantly offers me food. At first she was regularly giving me cookies and brownies that made it really hard to stick to my plan, but now she's moved on because she is "trying to eat better." This means, as far as I can tell, that she doesn't eat better at all but instead just obsesses over the fat and calorie info on the labels of the foods she does eat and then justifies all her horrible food choices by saying that her danish has fruit filling or something ridiculous. She talks about food all. the. time. She spends extra time looking up restaurant menus. She's very overweight and eats pretty badly, usually large meals, often eaten out (My estimate is that she eats out full meals at least 8-10 times a week, but probably usually more than that) with dessert.

So multiple times a day she will offer me food, and when I refuse she will say something like "but it's only 150 calories for this much, so you can eat it." I always say no, and it has gotten to the point where I put headphones on and pretend I can't hear her when she talks because I just don't want to deal with it anymore. I am sick of her offering me food all the time after I constantly refuse it, and I am even more sick of hearing her announce the calories in everything. The whole office can hear her and I'm sure they think that I must be obsessed with what I eat if she is telling me calorie counts all the time, because she doesn't do this to anyone else. I never discuss my eating choices in the office, by the way. Not only do I think no one cares, but I don't think it's anyone's business.

I don't know how I can discuss this with her to make her stop, because she is very sensitive. She often comes in crying over some slight that happened to her, and how this person doesn't like her, etc. etc. (things that I would not give a second thought to upset her to the point of tears) so I don't think she would take the conversation seriously and actually listen to what I was trying to tell her, but instead, I think she'd get upset, think I don't like her and start crying. What would you do? Have any of you had a situation like this?


Mon. Jul 7, 3:02pm

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