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Is it the beer or the birth control screwing with my workouts?

I've never been that much of a drinker, but I have found myself drinking 1 or 2 beers almost nightly for the last month or so. I also have to have the lime salt with each beer. Around the same time I started back up on my birth control/metformin combo to combat my pcos. Now I have no energy to go work out, and I can't figure out which one is affecting me since I started both around the same time. I know the obvious answer is to lay off the beer for a while, but I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this.

Sat. Aug 23, 1:21pm

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Stop drinking for a while and see if your energy returns. If it does return, it was the beer, if not, it was the BC.

Saturday, August 23, 2008, 10:19 PM

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Stop drinking for a while and see if your energy returns. If it does return, it was the beer, if not, it was the BC.

Saturday, August 23, 2008, 10:19 PM

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Stop drinking for a while and see if your energy returns. If it does return, it was the beer, if not, it was the BC.

Saturday, August 23, 2008, 10:19 PM

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since you need the meds to help straighten out your hormonal status, why not dump the beer and lime salt and see what that does? I'm guessing you may still have to "work past" some fatigue from the meds, but why imbibe a central nervous system deppressant that is also loaded with carbs and empty calories, along with SALT, which screws up your kidney function and makes you bloat? Get up off the couch and do some Tae Bo instead; or, if that's not an option, take your dog, your SO, or a GF for a brisk walk. You'll thank yourself tomorrow. Also, drink mond water for the first 21 days, to flush the salt and nasty toxins out of your body. You will feel better.

Sunday, August 24, 2008, 8:40 AM

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since you need the meds to help straighten out your hormonal status, why not dump the beer and lime salt and see what that does? I'm guessing you may still have to "work past" some fatigue from the meds, but why imbibe a central nervous system deppressant that is also loaded with carbs and empty calories, along with SALT, which screws up your kidney function and makes you bloat? Get up off the couch and do some Tae Bo instead; or, if that's not an option, take your dog, your SO, or a GF for a brisk walk. You'll thank yourself tomorrow. Also, drink mond water for the first 21 days, to flush the salt and nasty toxins out of your body. You will feel better.

Sunday, August 24, 2008, 8:40 AM

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since you need the meds to help straighten out your hormonal status, why not dump the beer and lime salt and see what that does? I'm guessing you may still have to "work past" some fatigue from the meds, but why imbibe a central nervous system deppressant that is also loaded with carbs and empty calories, along with SALT, which screws up your kidney function and makes you bloat? Get up off the couch and do some Tae Bo instead; or, if that's not an option, take your dog, your SO, or a GF for a brisk walk. You'll thank yourself tomorrow. Also, drink mond water for the first 21 days, to flush the salt and nasty toxins out of your body. You will feel better.

Sunday, August 24, 2008, 8:40 AM

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