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how much attention have you been getting?????

I dont know about all of you but I have gotten tons of comments from people saying that I am loosing tons of weight. Now these are people that I never even told that I was working out and changing my lifestyle eating habits. I think that comments like that are the best motivation that anybody can get.

Fri. Feb 17, 3:36am

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Second that motion

Comments like that make you feel on top of the world. I was just told that I had a pretty face when I was on a sales call, and it made me feel wonderful b/c its been like 3yrs since someone (other than my husband) has complimented me like that.

Friday, February 17, 2006, 8:34 AM

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It can almost be embarrassing sometimes the way people dote on me. I'm like, enough already! But very true, a great it feels good to hear it, and two, you know people are watching you!

Friday, February 17, 2006, 9:16 AM

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I do love the compliments. I love it when people ask me how I'm doing it and then either A. Don't really listen to the answer or B. They laugh when I say it's exercise and portion's like they think I'm going to say that I'm taking a magic pill.

Friday, February 17, 2006, 10:40 AM

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Its true...the compliments from others are spectacular motivation..but becareful not to rely on that unkowingly, because those compliments will slow down, and suddenly that motivation is me, I know, been through it a few times, and on my way through it again. Im trying to keep that in mind for myself!

Friday, February 17, 2006, 11:55 AM

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not all good attention

With the weight loss, I have noticed all kinds of obnoxious male behavior. Twice recently I was honked at just walking down the street. What is up with that? All of a sudden it's like I have a big sign on my head that says "Girl!"

Friday, February 17, 2006, 12:06 PM

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I have been getting lots of compliments since I started running - I have lost weight that I wasn't trying to loose.

Now I am afraid of gaining it back because people are so complimentary of how I look now (even though I was a healthy 130lbs at 5'5" before the training began). I wonder if I looked really bad then and that's why I am getting so many compliments, know what I mean? And if I do gain back a little weight when I ease up in training, will people think I have gotten fat?

Friday, February 17, 2006, 1:48 PM

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I actually had a guy try to pick me up at the gym last night - I've never had a guy try to hit on me like that! Unfortunately for the guy, but happily for me, my husband was on the cardio machine next to mine and chased him away : )

Friday, February 17, 2006, 6:17 PM

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It is an amazing feeling to have people comment about how you look, especially for those of us who haven't had a whole lot of compliments lately. I also was hit on recently. Even if you must decline, just knowing someone else thinks you look fantastic gives you a high that's better than a dip on the scale reading!

Friday, February 17, 2006, 6:52 PM

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I had the lifeguard notice I'm losing wieght :D That was cool today.

Friday, February 17, 2006, 7:52 PM

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Here's a funny one: my husband's on the plan right along with me, and he's not the sappy compliment-type. I've been tossing out the fat clothes right and left, not a word. This is how he is. So I thought.

Our oldest daughter lives out-of-state, and is coming to visit soon; we haven't seen her in about a year. The other night she called, he answered and put her on loudspeaker.

"Mom? Daddy? I'm warning you guys, I put on weight. Mom, I have your butt now."

My husband takes a peek at my behind and tells our daughter, "Not anymore, Honey."

I take the compliments whenever I get them!

Saturday, February 18, 2006, 9:40 AM

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