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Ok, I have struggled with my weight since I was 8 years old (I am now almost 23). The Christmas before last I got rather depressed and lost a lot of muscle and fat. I went from 125 lbs to 115 lbs (5'3"). Of course, once I got back into my normal routine that January I gradually added about 5 more lbs. so for the entire year I stayed around 120 and was happy with where I was for the first time in a long time. Well I graduated from college and started a new job this past January and while it was a desk job I still sat on an exercise ball the entire day, religiously counted calories as I have done all my life, and continued teaching fitness classes and working out 3-6 times a week. However, I still began to gain weight. I blamed it on my birth control, but once quitting it I still didn't lose. I quit my desk job last month (Aug) and since then I have been much more active with cleaning, walking my dog and teaching 5-10 fitness classes a week (These are hour long, intense classes; either kickboxing, step interval, triple fit, bodypump, and cycle). However, my clothes still are not fitting correctly and if anything they are tighter!!! I am SO frustrated. I was a strict vegetarian for the past 3 years so I added meat to my diet this month as well just to try and see if maybe I was missing something. Hasn't made a difference really, apart from simply being easier. I typically consume anywhere between 1200-1500 calories a day, with it averaging about 1300-1350. Here is a typical day:

breakfast: whole egg cooked with Pam, whole wheat toast, occasionally a slice of low fat cheese; 8-12 oz hot green tea plain, 4-8 oz water

lunch: 4-6 oz chicken cooked on George foreman with lemon pepper seasoning, this is either wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla (80cals) or on top of a salad of romaine lettuce with none to little light dressing and fruit, sometimes almonds. also with a steamed vegetable like broccoli or spinach.
hot green tea, water

snack: 0% greek yogurt with frozen blueberries and almonds or peanuts,

dinner: either the chicken or tilapia, with 1/2c brown rice (no sodium), romaine lettuce salad (no dressing) and/or steamed vegetables

snacks: usually the greek yogurt, just fruit, very rarely 100 cal popcorn, organic peanut butter (1/2 tbs)

this is basically the main foods I eat with a few rare exceptions.

What am I doing wrong??

Fri. Sep 25, 12:26pm

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