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Bring Health to Your Table With A Bounty of Natural Foods

The holistic health movement isn’t just about tossing your diet pills for wheatgrass or doing yoga until you’re red in the face. Creating the circumstances that will enable you to reach your maximum potential involves taking a hard look at what you consume on a day-to-day basis. While other facets of holistic health are important, achieving long-term balance and wellness in your life will only happen if you are eating foods that nourish and sustain you.

An important reason why many people are struggling with weight or health issues is that the foods we tend to consume are largely processed, refined, and loaded with unhealthy oils, chemicals, and additives. While changing your diet isn’t easy, the true path to lasting wellness involves replacing processed foods with natural foods. By giving your body a break from the constant stress involved in detoxing, digesting, and eliminating processed foods, you can truly alter the state of your body and mind and replenish yourself with healthy choices.

What are considered natural foods? Anything that doesn’t have to be canned, cooked, processed, or chemically altered in order for you to eat it: organic fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and whole grains, to name a few.

While the raw food movement touts eating absolutely no cooked foods as the way to lasting health, choosing whole foods that are only lightly cooked is a great alternative to giving up your favorite dishes. By lightly cooking your meals, important enzymes in the food remain in tact that literally help your body digest it. The natural enzymes in processed foods or foods cooked at high temperatures are killed off by the heat, rendering them much more difficult for your body to break down.
Taking the extra time to plan meals with natural, whole foods will immensely help on your path to holistic health and wellness. As the old adage goes, we are what we eat, so it makes sense that we should care for our bodies by giving it the nourishment needed to maintain a high metabolism, fight off disease, and function at optimal performance in our daily activities. Often, half the battle in changing our eating habits is knowing where to start, what to buy, and how to develop a plan for healthy meals and snacking. To truly give yourself an advantage, consult a holistic nutrition expert who can help you develop a strategy based on your own personal needs and goals. For more information about holistic nutrition or to talk to an expert, visit


Fri. Apr 24, 6:07pm

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