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too much muscle! please help?

so here's my problem... (this may be long and not extremely interesting or flowing in any sort of logical manner, but i'd love for SOMEONE to offer me some suggestion)

first things first.. i am 22 years old, female, 5 3, 139 pounds, athletic (sports since age 8)

i exercise well... i switch it up, do various things throughout the week for about an hour a day with the exception of sundays.. this includes elliptical, walking, running, tennis, basketball..what have you.. probably culminating anywhere between 600 - 1000 calories burned 6ish days a week (sometimes more sometimes less)

my eating CAN be refined but honestly for the most part im eating about 1400 - 1500 calories a day, and i try to eat for the most part healthy things (although yes, i do slip up)

as far as my body goes and what i can see and what i am told? clearly i wouldn't be on here if i were HAPPY.. i but i will try to paint a picture with the "facts", as much as can portray them (im not sure how to upload a pic).

i have soooomewhat defined abs (mostly you can see right after a workout though, haha), to be honest... i have a pretty big butt (which i've always actually gotten positive feedback on actuall, so whatever, about that), normal size bust (small C cup)...and my legs which happen to be SO FREAKEN MUSCULAR. as far as fat goes.. to me it looks like if i lost about 7 - 8 pounds of straight fat i'd basically have VERY little fat (i've come up with a break down..two from my stomach, 2.5 from each of my legs, 1 from my arms combined.. i know that sounds rather calculated and possibly obsessive in nature, but its been a while...)

now for two more things... one.. i realize that 139 lbs is NOTthe ideal weight for a 5 3 er.. nor is 132..which is my goal... so where does that leave me?
two... when i read books, and imagine the gorgeous girls who described as having "ideal" bodies and whatnot.. i think delicate, and slim, long and slender.... I, on the other hand, am not like this at all.. with my curves and muscle i am actually rather voluptuous.. this is NOT IDEAL for me.

the problem body has a tendency to acquire muscle.. this i know, and can see.. so when i work out (do cardio) in order to lose weight and whatnot, i actually end up making my legs bigger... (i'm specifically worried that the elliptical may have this effect? the elliptical is one of the easier workouts for me..)

so my question is.. what should i do? how can i be more "dainty" in a healthy way? how can i lose fat, but not be starving myself (as to simply starve my i know that tactic can work), and not continually gain muscle? must i be calculating something wrong, or fooling myself? Perhaps I should work out less and eat less than 1400?

Gosh, if anyone answers this.. thank you so much, haha.

Fri. Aug 21, 7:40pm

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