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How to calculate how long it takes to get specific results

I just finished reading a thread that asked a great question "How long does it take to see results?" The member that posted of this thread was frustrated because he/she had been working out and eating right and had not lost any weight. There were a lot of great replies to this thread, but I have an Idea of my own. Rather than posting a reply, I decided to start a thread dedicated to answering this question.

There are many possibilities as to why this persons plan was not working. Rather than list those possibilities, It would be more effective to show you how to MAKE SURE your plan will actually work! There is a simple formula to help you determine what results to expect, and when to expect them. First off you nee to know that one pound of body fat is equal to 3,500 calories.

So to lose 1 pound of fat, you need to burn an excess of 3,500 calories. Keep in mind that if you lose 1 pound, that doesn't necessarily mean that that entire pound is from body fat; it's also possible to lose lean muscle mass and water weight.

The formula is simple, first figure out how many calories your body uses per day before exercise. Then make sure you eat NO MORE than that amount. Do that and you will create a calorie deficit in the amount of calories you burn during exercise. This is the magic formula to successful weight loss. Burn more calories than you consume and your body will lose weight.

So if you want to burn 1 pound of fat in 1 week, you need to burn 500 extra calories per day for 7 days in a row. Or 700 calories per day for 5 days and take 2 days off. Just make sure you don't overeat!

The key is to lose a safe amount of weight in a reasonable amount of time. Don't go to extremes or try to lose too much too fast, you could get very sick. A safe amount is about 1% of your body weight per week. So a person that weighs 490 pounds can safely lose about 5lbs per week. On the other hand, a 180 lb person can safely lose about 1.8 lbs per week.

So now you know how to calculate how much weight you can lose and how long it will take you to do it. So now just make sure you put this information to use and create a calorie budget and make sure you exercise.

Good Luck and Thanks for Checking out this thread.


Wed. Jul 8, 7:14pm

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