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Is it normal for your mind to go bonkers when you change stuff up & start exercising?

About a week ago I decided the time has come for me to lose weight and I started exercising by riding my bike around the lake which is 3.5 miles total and then up a very steep hill to get to my house.

So far, I can only make it around the lake once but hoping to increase that as the months go by.

I also drastically changed what I eat, I still east cereal with powdered non-fat milk, but mostly in the afternoons and evenings I eat fruits and vegetables (usually bananas, brocoli, and brussel sprouts.) I really have no craving for other types of junk food.

So far I have lost 1 and a 1/2 poiunds but a few days after I started this sudden change in my habits, my mind became almost like the absent minded professor, I was awfully forgetful for a day or two, I would go shopping and would leave me wallet at the stores when I checked out, thankfully they chased after me and I still have my wallet.

I was just wondering if this is a somewhat normal occurence when you first start doing stuff like this. I was told by another source that this was my body's way of converting from "store" to "use" mode.

I was also told that after my bike ride, I have about three hours to eat something.

I'm fine now and it hasn't happened since.

It's going to take over 2 years to get to where I should be but for the moment, I can't eat the required suggested calories to maintain what I would like to weigh and I don't feel hungry either and I don't know why.

I have found out that what doesn't show on the scale doesn't directly show on the outside either but it does with a measuring tape.

I am just getting sick and tired of people asking me when is my baby elephant due and I am almost 50 and a guy. :-)

There are a few veggies I can't stand (eggplant & squash are a couple.)

Anyway, thanks for responding,


Wed. Aug 12, 7:43pm

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