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Tips for losing weight... from each other?

As I was laying in bed today I thought about sharing things to people that help me lose weight. We all know what the professionals say for losing weight and keeping it off. But we're the experts aren't we? Whether or not we're successful in reaching our goals, we all have learned things that help ourselves individually to lose weight. So why not share our knowledge?

It's been said PORTION CONTROL is a huge factor in losing weight. Being able to eat what we want as long as we're reasonable about it. Easier said than done. For me, when I run out of food on the plate, I'm done. I bypass all the signs that I'm full, especially massive amounts of stomach pain. But what I've learned (since self-control is useless) are these few things to help me:
1. Chugging water before a meal (I didn't come up with that, obviously. But it does fill room I'd otherwise fill with food)
2. Not making as much food to begin with! If you're like me and you scrape the plate clean, this is a good tip. I get the satisfaction of eating it all (as if that's some kind of accomplishment) and I don't overeat!
3. Sometimes you're in a restaurant right? What then? Poor something on your food. Your waiter and fellow diners might think you're acting like a child but who cares. All I know is, I won't finish my french fries if they're covered in honey mustard (yuck!).

Some other restaurant tips? Order vegetables instead of fries or potato. For me, when the waiter is giving me time to decide I'm always thinking "but I love their fries here." Except once he or she comes and takes my order and I spout out "broccoli instead of french fries please!" I know there is no going back. Just bite your tongue and say it and then the rest is out of your control. Ps. Ruby Tuesdays has good fries but even better steamed broccoli! Mmmm.

That's it for now. I just thought it might be a good idea to share tips. After all, it's PEERtrainer right? If we ask the professionals they'll tell us to work out all day everyday and eat nuts for dinner. If you look through magazines where they tell your the celebrities' diets, you'll find salads plus LA's greatest personal trainers are the key. And that's unrealistic in our world!

Thu. Jan 28, 8:26pm

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