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Calorie intake clarification.

Due to a life changing stressful event last June I decided to get my health in check and switch my focus to me. I started out at 205 (5'4) and due to not eating lost almost 15 pounds. Once I was able to actually eat again I decided to throw out the usual junk food and fast food and change it for healthy food.

I started working out mid November and am now down to 161. I have an app. on my phone that helps me track my calories and tells me how many calories to eat so I can lose about 2 pounds a week. I'm not in any hurry because I want these changes to be life long so I am really not interested in losing 5 pounds a week.... too fast for me! So the app. keeps track of how much I weigh and how many calories I should have consumed at the end of the day (including time at the gym).

The problem I have come up with is that when reading other posts a lot of people state you should not go below 1200 calories... my phone is telling me I should be eating 1105. My question is... should I be listening to this or should I keep my calories at 1200?

I'm not sure if you need to know now about my day to day life...

I do take plenty of vitamins and minerals. I have done a lot of research to make sure I stay well below toxicity levels.
For breakfast I have a protien bar with some V8 juice that has chia seeds soaking in them. Snacks are Nilla wafers or baked chips (one serving, no more). Lunch can either be a boca burger with soy cheese and a potato bun with mustard or a healthy choice frozen meal (Only the chicken choices, I do not eat red meat) or a 6 inch sandwich from subway. Dinner I usually eat early in the day due to working out right after work (I am avoiding eating too late). Dinner is from the same menu as lunch. I drink a lot of water and tea during the day to make sure I stay hydrated.
Working out consists of between 45 min to 60 min of weight lifting (I alternate between upper body and lower body on different days) and approximately 40 minutes of cardio. I work out Monday and Tuesday and give myself Wednesday off, then back on Thursday and Friday and give myself Saturday off and do only cardio Sundays for about 90 minutes. I have a DVD that I use at home for my abs and do that anywhere from 35 to 65 minutes M, T, TH, F.
For meat I only eat chicken or turkey, I do not eat dairy, high fat foods or egg yolks... the list goes on! This is not by choice, I do have a lot of intolerances I am trying to wrok around.--that being said I do allow myself to fall off the wagon occationally and in small portions but don't find it hard at all to get right back on the wagon!

Anyway, sorry this is so long, I just want to make sure you have all the info. you might need!!! Silly I know considering the actual question! If I left anything out feel free to ask.

Thank you,


Sun. Mar 28, 3:53pm

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