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mid-March start and down 15

I posted this in the March "new to PT" team, and thought I would also post it in general, in case my story so far can help anyone like me out:

...Since starting the middle of March, I have lost 15 pounds, and feel very on track. The regular emails from PT help keep me motivated and are a simple reminder that I'm working towards something healthy for myself. I've experimented with food and exercise, and have settled into a good routine that really works for me.

I started the first of the year by going vegan. Although I consider myself to be about 80% vegan, I chose to eat fish 2-3 x/wk and also eat eggs. Introducing these sources of protein back into my diet realy helped me find an eating strategy that makes sense for me and keeps me feeling full and energetic.

But it wasn't until I began calorie counting that the weight started to fall off. I aim for 1200 calories a day, which is the low end of what I really need (I weighed 195 in March when I started - I'm down to 179 today). I figured I would start at what I think is an ideal for me, and that way I had some wiggle room to add calories if I needed to and still be losing. To my great surprise, I never needed to add more! I fell right into the 1200/day and haven't looked back. I carry around a small journal in my purse and log everything each day, which for me is easier than using the online log in PT.

Here's what I immediately discovered about my body: I have a serious problem with sugar. It's like a drug for me. I now know that if I eat a big chocolate brownie it takes my body 5 days to get the sugar back out. So for 5 days after, I have cravings and I fuss around and I can easily spiral off program (then you really have to be a warrior to get back on track), but once I metabolize it out, I'm back in my weight loss zone.

And the amazing thing about being in my weight loss zone is that I have a normal appetite for the first time in my life! I don't spend my mental energy on what I'm going to eat next, or what I want or crave. That guilty conscience "voice" constantly in my head is quiet now. It has nothing to nag about - I make good choices so it has no negative feedback to make me feel low. I know some of you will understand this exactly!

So to any of my March start team who is struggling, I found that I had to be vigilant in the begining so I can get into the zone. For me, I understand that this means no sugar and very little dairy, chicken or red meat (if any). For me it also means no alcohol. Once I make these restrictions, and stay in my calorie zone, after about 5 days, my appetite is reduced down to just an awareness that I haven't eaten for a while and physically I can feel it. And since my cravings are gone, it is super easy to make good choices. In fact, there is no choice. I just don't want the junk anymore.


Sun. May 16, 10:29am

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