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Stuck with fat loss


I am pretty active at the moment (3-5 days of cardio + strength training). I eat healthy (I think): 5 sizable portions; carbs from vegetables + fruits + fibre + protein (lean meat).

However, I've not been making any progress with my fat loss for several months now. I've tried several plateau-busting tips by changing my routines (higher/lower intensity, eating more/less, new exercises) over a period of 3-4 months, but nothing has changed. My body-fat-% is still unchanged (I need to lose at least another 3-5% to be in the "normal" range).

I've considered a calorie-deficit diet. But I'm already eating small meals (just enough to give me enough energy for the day). Besides, if I have to stick to the new food portions for the rest of my life in order to keep the fat away, I would rather be obese.

At this point, I can't help but think that I'm going up against my genes. I know this is a lame excuse, but I've been keeping at this for the past 3-4 months with no change to my fat-%. If anything, I have been getting bulkier (because of my strength training), which I hate. My skeletal frame is big enough. With the additional muscles, my body just looks out of proportion. Heck, I'm even getting sick more often since I started to "eat healthy and go to the gym", compared to when I was obese.

I would appreciate it if anyone can give me some advice/suggestions. I know this post sounds like a rant (it is!), but I'm just trying to get some pent-up frustration off my chest.

Thanks for reading (and understanding)!


P.s. I would like to note that before this plateau, I WAS making great progress. My stamina/endurance level has increased, my blood pressure came down to normal, I was building muscles (which toned my body) and losing fat (went from 40" down to 34"). Even my family couldn't recognise me when I went back to visit them. :)

Mon. Aug 16, 10:23am

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