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My Story / Rapid Weight Loss / Concerns?
Just curious if anyone wants to weigh in on the subject of the dangers of fast weight loss. There is a lot of confusing info out there, and I'd like some perspective on what is sane and realistic for someone with my body and goals.
My story thus far....
I made my committment in April, and since then have lost about 45, a little over 3 months. About a month a half ago, I started tracking daily weight on my spreadsheet, put a few more good diet things in place, set some very deliberate time goals, and have lost 29 in 39 days. I got regular about exercise about 2 weeks ago.
This is well above what is considered normal and reasonable, the common 2lb/week guideline. My average since June is a wee bit over 5lbs/week. Before that it was a little slower, but I cheated a bit and didn't have the methodical system in place I have now.
A couple of qualifying factors... I was once athletic, or at least in fairly good shape. I have been ill for the last couple of years and gained a lot of weight. I was as high as 360, so even after all this loss I am still over 300lbs. No doubt having so much to lose is a factor in how much is "normal" to lose. I am 40 years old, male, and in good health (now) except for the weight I have to lose. I take no meds, and have no significant health concerns except asthma that is almost non-existent for me and doesn't hold me back much at all or require medical intervention (altho it almost killed me a couple of years ago when I was exposed to some chemicals).
My diet is basically proteins, low GI Carbs, good fats like nuts and fish, a complete and utter lack of sugar, and I work out several days a week. I eat nothing but "real" food. I cook every meal at home and eat a lot of vegetables. I eat 5-6 very small meals a day.
I use no drugs or other weird quack stuff to accelerate this. I drink some protein in my breakfast smoothie, and I take multivitamins and Vitamin C. Otherwise, this is totally natural.
I feel great, all my strength coming back, and the weight is falling off. My energy levels are high, and my brain is starting to work well again. I feel as well as I ever have. I am never hungry. I am finding joy in excercise. My allergies have dissappeared, my skin has cleared up, and even my contact lenses fit better :) Even at much lesser weights, I rarely have felt this well.
So the question is... is this really too much? A friend into fitness tells me about people who feel great losing "too much" and then just drop dead one day from strain on their heart and organs. I feel the risk
a) can't be as bad as carrying 150lbs of extra weight and
b) 5lbs a week may not be that extreme for someone of my size.
On the other hand, I have a friend who's trainer asked him to keep his weight loss to a "reasonable" 50lbs in 14 weeks, which is around 3.5 per week. He is not as heavy as me, so is my pound or so more per week really that extreme if his is "reasonable"?
Is there really an arbitrary number where that becomes something to worry about? What actually are the dangers and how to you keep alert for them? Has anyone here lost over 100 lbs and have a perspective on the speed it comes off?
Look forward to discussing this with you. Thanks
Thu. Jul 27, 12:54pm
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