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Green Tea- believe the hype?

I have been drinking a lot of Green Tea recently- is the hype warranted?

Ingredients-A Scientific Approach
Following new scientific developments, research into the health effects of green tea has advanced significantly. Studies have shown that green tea is made of several main components that contribute to its character: catechin (texture), caffeine (bitterness), and theanine (flavor), as well as various vitamins and minerals. Present in large quantities of green tea, catechin (including EGCG) is a type of polyphenol that is also a component of red wine. Catechin also gives green tea its signature texture, and as a potent antioxidant, hinders dangerous free radicals in the body. Caffeine gives green tea its bitter taste, increases alertness, and relieves fatigue. Theanine gives green tea its taste and acts as a mild relaxant. These are the main research properties included in green tea. Green tea contains a well-balanced mix of these ingredients.

Main Properties of Green Tea

* Anti-tumorigensis
* Antioxidant effect
* Inhibition of hypertension
* Antihypercholestolemia
* Hypoglycemic effect
* Antimicrobial activity
* Prevention of halitosis
* Radical scavenging effect


* Promotion of wakefulness
* Eases fatigue and sleeplessness
* Diuretic effect

Theanine (amino acid)

* Antagonistic effect against convulsive action of caffeine
* Inhibition of hypertension
* Improvement of brain function


* Anti-carcinogencity

y-Amino Butyric Acid

* Inhibition of hypertension


* Strengthening of blood vessels
* Prevention of halitosis

Vitamin C

* Antioxidant effect
* Prevention of flu
* Health maintenance of skin and mucous membranes
* Radical scavenging effect


* Hypoglycemic effect

Vitamin E

* Antioxidant effect
* Health maintenance of cells
* Radical scavenging effect


* Prevention of cavities


* Anti-fungal activity
* Anti-inflammation
* Anti-allergenic activity
* Anti-obesity

The Super Powers of Green Tea
For a long time, Japanese people have consumed green tea to accompany their cuisine, which relies heavily on seafood. It is said that Japanese people have naturally understood the protective properties of drinking green tea while eating sushi. The anti-bacterial properties of green tea catechin have now been scientifically demonstrated. It has been announced at academic conferences throughout the world that green tea helps prevent cancer. In the United States, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center is conducting research into green tea's cancer inhibiting properties, and the results of this research should be revealed in the near future. Focusing on the properties of green tea, science is gradually proving the knowledge of our ancestors regarding the medicinal properties of tea.

Tue. Aug 29, 4:09pm

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