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Found husbands porn-what should I do? (possible offensive thread)

OK. Because this forum allows me to post this annonymously, I feel the need to ask for feedback (please be kind) on a problem I have:

I have two teenagers, one of whom is a 14 year old girl. When she was first born my husband had gotten up with my toddler son before I did one morning. When I got up later and walked into the kitchen, my son was in his highchair eating breakfast facing away from the kitchen. My husband was about 5-6 feet away in the kitchen with his pants around his ankles "pleasuring himself"to the Sears catalog (women's section). This REALLY freaked me out and sent me into therapy. The therapist advised that it would be better for my kids to stay married at the time so I could keep an eye on them and know just what was going on in their environment. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse so I have strong feelings about the issue to begin with.
Fast forward to the present: Because of this history and incident years ago, I still keep very careful tabs on my kids and think I have innoculated them against sexual abuse and made them aware of what is ok and what is not.
I still however, feel the need to keep tabs on what my husband does and while he insists on keeping "skin magazines" (Playboy) I have insisted that he lock them away so our kids won't ever come across them. Call it a sixth sense, but I occasionally look in his briefcase (where he keeps them---he doesn't use it very often for business) to which I know the combination to (he doesn't know I know the number). Last night I found the usual Playboy and along with it a Hustler magazine. It is VERY graphic and is actually pornographic. There are ads for "barely legal" porn of young girls (supposedly over 18), "Hot teens", even ads for transsexual porn and gay men porn ("I like boys" one of them advertises). It made me sick to my stomach to see this. I am not a prude, but considering my fears about him for the past decade and a half all those old fears are coming back to make me feel paranoid again.
He is in his mid 40's, everyone who knows him thinks he is a nice guy. While he treats his own kids and myself differently when we are alone, everyone who sees him in public thinks he is the best father. He does ok as a dad but more and more lately he is giving me the creeps. Especially now since I found this porn last night.
We don't have sex (haven't for a LONG time) so maybe this is his way of "taking care" of his needs. And I don't know that he is actually interested in the teen porn or gay or transsexual porn advertised. I know many men watch and read this kind of filth but it just creeps me out to think someone who has contact with my kids is interested in this garbage.
This long path to my original question is: SHOULD I be concerned about this find or just chalk it up to a smarmy middle aged man who is afraid he's losing his "mojo"? Should I head for the hills even though there is no proof what so ever that he is a child molester or gay or...? I should say that I am in no position to support myself or my kids at this time. If there WAS proof of bad intentions on his part, the lack of self-financial support wouldn't matter--I would leave immediately and take the kids to safety---so don't worry that I am some "dumb" broad who would leave my kids in danger.

Please be kind in your repsonses. I really need some advice, not get beaten up over this.

Fri. Aug 18, 9:57pm

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