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For those that claim the Republicans have given us a better economy, I have news for you:
-the stock market is the only thing surging due to the boon that war gives corporate fatcats and their wealthy boards- when's the last time your aunt in rural Wyoming invested and benefited from the NYSE?
-the billions of dollars we're spending on this war doesn't even seem to be going to the troops who we claim to support under this corrupt administration: how is it that my family in Texas has had to spend money out of their OWN pockets to send night vision goggles and body amour to our 2 nephews there? And why is it that their buddies are being blown to bits because they're humvees are not fully amoured?
-See all the scandal and corruption plaguing Washington? That's because Bush is focused on his cronies and protecting the very people who should be ousted for wrongdoing:
*Scooter Libby
*The Enron executives (protected for a long time)
*Donald Rumsfeld (who told a brave soldier when he asked for full amour that he "goes to war with the army you have, not the army you wished you had.")
*Dick Cheney, who gave his Halliburton buddies a no-bid contract to rebuild Afghanistan worth billions of dollars, and has blocked efforts to improve gas emissions and pollution from large corporations to save them money.
Under the pair, pollution has vastly increased, damaging the environment.
*The Bush Administration has pulled out of the Kyoto treaty and engaged in the same torture tactics they publicy decry from other countires. Dick Cheny said last week in an interview that water torture was a "no brainer." Top military generals and CIA leaders have asserted that torture does not yield any positive, verifiable information. But they still encourage it, and have our brave family members who are fighting for us do the torture and then have them arrested and put in jail for carrying out this administration's corrupt orders.

Mon. Nov 6, 1:00pm

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