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my husband's health - - like I need MORE stuff to do!

So my husband had a physical today - for the first time in several years. The doctor told him that he's overweight (which he already knew) and that he should start exercising (which he also knew) and that he should quit smoking and cut down on his drinking (yes - he knew that too!). Of course, I knew all of this as well! But my (and his) knowing these things is not the same as him DOING something about it.

So - here's my question...

How do I fascilitate my husband on his "quest" for better health? I don't want to be a nag, and he should want to take care of these things on his own, but I know that if I'm not on top of things that nothing will really change for him.

I told him, "When it comes to my health, it is a matter of will power on my part. But I fear that when it comes to your health, it is also a matter of will power on my part." Basically, if I don't make it "easy" for him to change his habits, he's not going to do it.

Here's what I figure I can do:
1. I can stop buying junk food. I'm the one who does the grocery shopping. If it's not in the house, he won't eat it.
2. I can tell him I'll watch the kids for an hour (as I do all day long anyway) so he can go to the gym.
3. I can buy bottled water and keep it in the fridge so he can grab one whenever he "wants a cold one."

I think it's going to be hard for him to change because even though he and I and the doctor all know that he should, I'm not quite sure he believes he has to deep down inside. He's only about 20-30 pounds overweight; he smokes a pack every 2-4 days (not technically a "heavy" smoker, I guess) and his chest x-rays came back fine; and he's not a drunk, he just has a few beers after work to unwind. So I think that since none of his issues are HUGE that he won't feel that it's necessary to change anything.

I guess I'm rambling now. Maybe I just needed to "vent" and think through this "out loud." But I'll take any helpful suggestions people have to offer.

Fri. May 19, 8:10pm

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