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1 Hour + Cardio

Is this too long ? I am an ex-athlete female who is 28. I excercise regularly but have been storing a lot of fat around the tummy for quite some time. Its not very noticeable while standing but when I sit I have fat rolls with the largest one being below the belly button.

I've been thinking that I need to do some serious cardio, maybe 1 hour + to really hit these fat stores. Right now I'm doing more classes, step etc. and weights.

The step class is 1 hour.... and I probably do two additional cardio sessions throughout of the week of 30 minutes each.

Anyone have workout suggestions to really get rid of these rolls ? Is a goal of one hour of cardio 4 to 5 times a week too much ?

Mon. Jun 2, 11:26am

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Op Here

I forgot to add that I could stand to loose about 10 to 15 pounds. Most of which is in my tummy, butt and thighs. thx.

Monday, June 2, 2008, 11:28 AM

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It's not too much assuming you don't increase too suddenly, which would increase the chance of an overuse injury. But you also need to think about where the extra calories are coming from and do something different there. Trying to compensate for overeating with a whole lot of exercise is a race you eventually lose. Even if you don't have an injury or illness or family situation or whatever now, or soon, that interferes with your workout time, at some point in your life those things will probably happen. I'm not anti-exercise, actually the opposite, but you need to have realistic expectations.
FWIW, I'd suggest making some of those cardio sessions be high intensity interval training.

Monday, June 2, 2008, 12:36 PM

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Yes I've been working on getting my eating under control. I don't eat badly but I eat a lot. I'm working on that. The two 30 minute cardio sessions that I do right now are HITT. I do those after my resistance training. I'm just trying to figure out if they need to be bumped up to really burn those calories.

Monday, June 2, 2008, 12:48 PM

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I lost that belly fat with this workout plan:

1. 3-4 60+ min aerobic intervals/running sessions
2. 3 50-minute heavy weight training sessions
3. Various 25-40 min walks
4. 1200-1600 calories/day, fat free yogurt, tofu, fruits, veggies, and whole grains

Don't skip the weight training!!

Monday, June 2, 2008, 2:27 PM

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hmmm...ok good pp. Based on what you're saying I think I woudl leave in my resistance trraining I'm doing 2 + times a week but add in some more cardio. Jesus I'm going to be at the gym every day at this rate. thx.

Monday, June 2, 2008, 2:31 PM

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Yep, it's a lot of work. To maintain, and now that summer is here, I have been doing:

1. 3x 40-minute weight sessions
2. 5x biking to work (60 min total each time)
3. 2x 40-minute interval sessions (run/walk, or walk up and down hills)
4. 4x 25-30 min walks (lunch break, walking the dog on weekends, etc)
5. 1500-1800 calories/day, same foods as above plus a little bit of cheating

I also horseback ride for an hour 4-5x a week. (didn't list that above but it's the same)

Monday, June 2, 2008, 4:07 PM

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OP - just so ya know - we almost ALL have little rolls when we sit down! It's not just something that happens to those who are overweight. Just don't want you killing yourself for an impossible standard ;)

Monday, June 2, 2008, 4:16 PM

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PP thanks ... but really I've got some weight to loose! Most of my life I was in the 120s and now I'm in the 140s. I know that I've gained a lot of muscle which I put on quickly but I'm having a problem getting rid of the fat on top of it. I can actually see my six pack under the fat I just can't seem to burn the fat off. thanks !!

Monday, June 2, 2008, 4:29 PM

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green tea

op, drink green tea on an empty stomach before and after your workouts...good luck. Let us know what finally works!

Monday, June 2, 2008, 5:54 PM

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Sometimes storing fat around the stomach area can be a result of stress. Maybe be sure to indulge in some destressing/relaxation time as well.

Monday, June 2, 2008, 7:04 PM

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OP - it's possible the amount of time you work out now is fine, you just need to shake things up a bit and be more diligent about what (and how much) you eat (the latter being perhaps the most important factor.) I lost my last 20 and didn't workout more than 4-5 hours a week (resistance & cardio), but they were a challenging 4-5 hours and I was very diligent about my eating. Again, I think the latter was the key to actually dropping the lbs.

You mentioned eating a lot and trying to get it under control - this may be the only thing standing between you and those last 10-15 pounds. But, if you do want to maintain the amount of food you eat then you will need to bump up the exercise to lose the weight.

Good luck - although luck has nothing to do with it! ;)

Monday, June 2, 2008, 7:05 PM

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I agree with the PP, my trainer at the gym says diet is farrrrr more important than working out when it comes to losing weight...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 7:16 AM

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Op Here

Thanks for advice everyone. I've managed to get my emotional eating under control. And I've started givng myself one day a week to "cheat". I have found that if I work out daily or often I'll eat healthy ( I don't want to waste the workouts), if I'm not working out then I eat badly (the mentality being that I'm already in the hole for not working out so I might as well eat what I want).

I know it makes no sense to do this. My plan is to really keep track of my eating, and I finally got the battery replaced in my hear rate monitor (its been about 7 months) now I'll know how many calories I'm burning during my workouts. thanks again!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 9:22 AM

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