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Mixing Supplements

I have really cleaned up my diet recently, and have begun adding various supplements. Among them are CLA, Fish Oil for the EFA, a multivitamin, Glutamine, and just recently became interested in DIM (diindolymethane). It's not as bad as it seem! But ultimately, I wonder if any of them counteract eachtoher or should not be mixed. Does anyone know of a good resource for looking into this sort of thing, or have any suggestions?

Sun. Jun 1, 2:28am

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I could have written the above statement myself. I too have been adding supplements and staying "as close to the ground" as I can with my food choices, whole foods, good fats, good carbs, and good proteins. I too have added supplements omega-3, faxseed oil, green tea, multivitamin, but I don't really understand any of it. I hear something repeated many times and then become a believer, but don't feel I really know what I am doing. It has only been a week since adding the supplements so I have not decided if there are any real changes. I stated because although my weight was okay, I was tired and hungry all the time. I too would appreciate a link or advise.

Sunday, June 1, 2008, 2:21 PM

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It's important to find a knowledgeable person to discuss suppliments with! They absolutely can interfere with each other and any other medicines you may be taking!

Spend some time checking out your local health food stores and find one that has someone who knows what they are talking about working in the suppliment department. That said, you still have to be your own best friend and do your homework too.

there is a LOT of information on the internet, find a few sites that you trust and always look into anything before you take it.

And if you can't discuss it with your Dr, you can also look into finding a naturopathic Dr. to work with you ... they tend to be more open things like this.

Sunday, June 1, 2008, 3:18 PM

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Now I always try to ask my PCP before starting something new - I found out that a herbal suppliment I was taking could lessen the effects of my bc pill. I stopped taking it ASAP once she told me!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008, 2:53 PM

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pp what herb was that??

Monday, June 2, 2008, 5:56 PM

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2:53 here
It was st. john's wort

Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 11:17 AM

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