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SATC the Movie...seen it? Comments? Gushing?
I just saw SATC the Movie and am gushy right now. While it will not win an Oscar (maybe for Best Costume Design), I was just so happy to see the girls again!! It's weird, that show really hit home for me and so many of my girlfriends. Despite the fact that I cannot afford their lifestyle (even if I had the money I would do different things with it), I have had some of the same gut-wrenching relationships. Me and my Mr. Big did not have a happy ending, but we are still friends. And I love that Samantha is 50, fabulous, and happily single!
Ah, the magic of movies!
Sat. May 31, 4:10pm
I liked the movie WAY more than I thought I would.
The audience was pretty entertaining too - bunches of girlfriends who thought they had fashion sense, plus a bunch of flamboyant gay men. Very much a party atmosphere the likes of which I've never seen in a movie theater.
Saturday, May 31, 2008, 4:19 PM
I liked it, but the audience drove me nuts! I love having fun at movies, but I think everyone (where I was) thought they were still in their living room - people talked through the whole dang thing! The baby in the audience didn't help either...but I digress. I laughed out loud several times & thought it was a great finale to the stories.
That said - a party at home with friends and cocktails when it comes out on Demand would be just as fun!
Saturday, May 31, 2008, 5:14 PM
Yes, the minute it is out on DVD, I am gathering my girlfriends, some good food, a couple bottles of wine and enjoying it all over again!
I do have to say the scene in the middle of the road with Carrie beating Big with the flowers was heartbreaking! And the scene on the Brooklyn Bridge with Miranda and Steve was uplifting! And I applaud Samantha for being 50, fabulous, and single! Such a great movie!
I will be in NYC next month and am going to see it there just for the heck of it :)
Saturday, May 31, 2008, 5:29 PM
I saw it on Friday night and I loved it. The men of sex and the city weren't believable though - they were all too nice. almost sappy with no edge. Especially Samantha's guy (I can't remember his name.). I thought it was well written (like SATC has always been) and I loved it.
Sunday, June 1, 2008, 8:55 AM
For the hoards who come to NYC to make SATC pilgrimages and want something more recent than the Magnolia bakery, here's the restaurant where Carrie & Big had their rehearsal dinner:
Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 5:25 PM
saw it last night...between the audience, the previews and the movie itself it was waaay to girlie for me. I can handle the show since it is in small bits but the movie with its "catch-up on the gals/reunion" theme was overload.
Friday, June 6, 2008, 11:49 AM
I loved the ladies again.. but what's the deal??? No sex for Samantha? C'mon. The guys were a bit one-dimensional, especially Samantha's..
Friday, June 6, 2008, 6:07 PM
very interesting post.this is my first-time visit here. I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially its discussion..thanks for the post!
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