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How To Recover From Workouts?
I have been working out and exercising a lot more recently- but I am habitually sore and tired. I eat really well, lots of greens, vegetables etc but I need to find a way to recover better. Any ideas would be welcome, thanks.
Fri. May 30, 12:41pm
I read this in Runner's World, didn't believe it, tried it out, and am now a convert: Ice. Ice right after a workout. Ice water bath is best, although very unpleasant. Ice packs around the places you expect to be sore are more practical.
- neon
Friday, May 30, 2008, 1:05 PM
Stretch - this is my most important tool in fighting muscle soreness! After a long run or weights session, I spend 15-20 minutes stretching all my muscles, and then often the next morning when I get up as well. Lots of water helps too. If you just started a new routine, take heart - it will get easier after a while! Good luck!
Friday, May 30, 2008, 1:26 PM
After I started running more and increasing my speed and milage I noticed I was falling asleep at 9:30 or 10 (instead of my usual 11 or 12). I just have to let my body rest more.
Regarding the soreness, I consider it a good thing. It means that my muscles are getting WORKED. If the soreness is injury pain then you should rest and ice. Are you doing the same workout every day or alternating days (ie, run, bike, lift, repeat)?
Friday, May 30, 2008, 4:36 PM
I have lost 54 lbs and progressively upped my excercise to 6 days a week now.
What has helped me.
Stretch before and after
Warm bath when I get home, and then ice whatever is tender. I generally have little soreness anymore.
Alleve when things are really sore. Only one in the morning seems to do it for me. ( I only do this maybe once a month at most)
Friday, May 30, 2008, 6:36 PM
I agree stretching .. its key in keeping your muscles from tensing so much.. also drink plenty of water .. you body will bounce back after.. what I did today was I went into work early.. I hit the gym.. had a great workout than hit teh sauna.. than I took a cool shower.. it rejuvinated me
Saturday, May 31, 2008, 12:03 AM
try the homeopathic remedy named arnica, it is for sore, bruised muscles.
Saturday, May 31, 2008, 8:08 AM
habib - I'm guessing that the fatigue is due to too little protein in your diet - I checked out your food logs and while eating lots of greens is GREAT, all that activity without enough protein will make you tired as protein sustains our energy levels over the long-term. good luck!
Monday, June 2, 2008, 3:23 AM
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