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how do you resist the urge to keep from pigging out on lays plain potato chips??
ah! i have just had like 3, and i cant stop!
Tue. May 27, 2:58pm
step away from the chips. Throw the rest away or give it to someone else right now. Don't save them for later. Throw them away now!!! Do it!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 3:02 PM
Don't even start. For now do what the prev poster suggested. Give them away, smash them into inedible bits, pour water on them - do what you have to do to keep yourself from reaching for them, because if they're nearby you will.
With something like that I don't care what folks say about moderation, I can't practice it with some foods, so I know my limits and I don't take that first nibble. Cliched or not - just say 'no'. And when I say that - I mean SAY it out loud - "No - I'm not going to eat that". I know it sounds a little off balanced, and you won't have to say it forever, but sometimes you need to hear yourself say it to believe it.
Best wishes - and get rid of those chips!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 3:13 PM
See, I can't have just one either. Chips are my downfall so I don't eat them except I give myself a free day a month and on those days I can have whatever and however much I want.
It has worked for me. No guilt, well not anymore. In the beginning I had a hard time. And it has been easy to get back on track because when you eat healthy the rest of the time my body rebels when given greasy, sugary, unhealthy food.
That is the only way I would be able to do it.
Or maybe if I got single serve bags. But I am not sure about that. Once you open the door it is hard to close it.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 3:57 PM
Thanks guys! That's good advice.. obvious stuff, ive just never thought about it!
3:02...i will do just that, i'm giving them away!
3:13...i said no! ;)
& 3:57...i will make a free day for me once a month!
thanks! =]
Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 4:03 PM
Well, the fact that they are grossly greasy and sharply salty is enough to keep me away from them.
Evidently you don't have the same aversion to grease and salt as I do so I have to think of something I'm obsessed with in order to give you any tips.
Okay, for me it's those little mini Dove or Hershey dark choclates. I can't eat just one. A serving is 4 of the Dove or 3 of the Hershey. Once I eat one I want the whole bag. So for me, I have to portion them out. I keep the rest in the freezer because it takes a while for them to defrost and soften up to the best eating temp and consistency 9no fun eating a frozen chunk of chocolate that you can't bite and chew, and that's too cold to suck on). So when I buy a bag, I separate them into teeny little ziplock snack bags of 3 or 4 each, then put all the bags in the freezer. When I plan for the chocolate to be a snack (3 days a week, so I choose the days in advance), I take one bag out of the freezer and put on top of the fridge the night before.
The psych I give myself if I want chocolate on a day that it hasn't been planned for: "tomorrow is a chocolate day, I can wait til tomorrow." It works a hell f a lot better than saying "chocolate is fattening so I won't eat it while I'm on a diet." The whole idea of not eating something AT ALL defeats the diet right from the beginning. And a very dear pt friend of mine, workinit, says that once you say the word "diet" you've already doomed yourself to failure. Because even if you lose all the weight you set out to, you then figure the dieting is over and you go bak to eating the things you deprived yourself of. Workinit says nothing should be taboo. And you should never be "ON A DIET." The most success comes from saying you are changing the way you think about food and the way you eat. You can eat anything you want in moderation, and if it's planned for (meaning you wouldn't plan to eat chocolate, ice cream, cake, cookies, pie and potato chips all in the same day, but you could have one serving of each thing on a different day if all the other food you plan to eat that day is healthy and nutritious). It's working for her. Even though it seems like she is losing only a little bit of weight every week, at least she's been losing it slow but sure over a year.
SO try that. It's a new way of thinking but the compulsion to eat all the potato chips is in your mind, not in your body. Decide which days of the week you'll eat potato chips and portion them in zip lock bags. You might even want to use marker to write the days of the week on the bags. Say you decide to let yourself have 10 chips per bag 4 days a week. If you crave them on a day that isn't planned for, you KNOW you can have them the very next day. SO all you have to do is control the impulse for one day. That's it, one day.
HTH & best of luck.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 10:32 AM
That's what I do. My husband and kids still like to have their "treats" that they like in the house and that's fine, like they tell me all the time, I can't deprive all of them just because I don't trust myself 100%. But I buy them the treats I could care less about. Most days I have great willpower but there will always be that off day. My husband loves these chips ahoy peanut butter and choc chip cookies which I normally buy for him, the last two times I shopped I told him they were out of stock.... why? Because as I walked by them those last couple of weeks I would grab one here and there. Now one here and there is not bad but when you are counting calories and one of these has 100 cals in it, it can guilt the crap out of you. So, I stick to the rule, if it's not in the house, I can't eat it. DON'T BUY IT!!!!!! Buy a substitution that's healthier for you that will kill the salt craving like wheat pretzels or triscuits with salsa or something like that....
Good luck!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 12:15 PM
thanks everyone! =]
great advice!!! really!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 1:29 PM
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