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Hi everyone,

Im 28 ,been on the fitness train since 3 years and love working out. About 2 months back, I was down with a nasty viral infection, hospitalised and had to take heavy anti-Bs for about a month. I've regained almost 50% of my stamina now but I guess it will be a long time till I get back to
my toned self :(

The problem right now is my face looks tired and sunken. I have acquired dark circles and fine lines around my eyes, which I never had before I fell sick. And Ive seem to have lost fat around my eyes.

As I start normal workouts and "good foods" , I'm also trying to find a remedy for those lines.I have zeroed in on Olay - Regenerist serum / Total Effects but am confused :P

Anyone has suggestions which one is better for my case? Ive heard mixed opinions about Total Effects and I dont actually need the 'other' effects of it-
UV protection. skin lightening etc (I use other products).

Would appreciate your suggestions please
Many Thanks and tc.

Mon. May 26, 12:39pm

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Plain aloe vera gel used as a moisturizer and eye gel after gently washing your face in the morning and before bed will work wonders. And it's inexpensive as well. You can find it for as little as 99 cents a tube at Walgreens, or $6.99 a bottle at health food stores.

Also, if the circles under your eyes are really dark, ask your doctor to check your iron levels. That's one symptom of iron deficiency (though just because you have dark circles it doesn't mean you have iron deficiency).

Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 4:23 PM

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I've had dark circles round my eyes pretty much forever; I think they're genetic, as my mum has them too. I've never found any creams that really help; the only thing that's ever really made a difference is drinking plenty water. That, along with a diet including lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, should improve your skin too.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 1:19 PM

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what the previous posters have said plus concealer for the dark circles and a little shimmery blush (NARS) to give yourself a faux glow.

Thursday, May 29, 2008, 2:23 AM

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i used the regenerist serum at night before i go to bed and then use their sunblock moisturizer during the day.

Thursday, May 29, 2008, 2:25 AM

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Creams with AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) will fade skin discolorations over time and repeated use (I think it took a couple months for my skin tone to even up). The other thing that helps me is a little self-tanner.

Thursday, May 29, 2008, 8:58 AM

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check out this site:

you'll find reviews on every make up and skin care product out there.

Thursday, May 29, 2008, 9:21 AM

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To Thursday, May 29, 2008, 8:58 AM

(who said: "Creams with AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) will fade skin discolorations over time and repeated use (I think it took a couple months for my skin tone to even up). The other thing that helps me is a little self-tanner.")

Can you safely use that stuff on the delicate under eye area? Isn't it too harsh?

Thursday, May 29, 2008, 4:55 PM

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pp--it could be. My skin isn't sensitive at all, so I haven't had any problems, but it is probably best to see a dermatologist. He/she could probably prescribe something, too.

Thursday, May 29, 2008, 9:37 PM

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Oh--another option would be to get an eye cream with AHA in it, then you would know it was formulated for that skin!

Thursday, May 29, 2008, 9:38 PM

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