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Best Shower Filter?

The Aquasana 2 Stage Shower Filter.
Installs in seconds and provides naturally healthy, chemical free water for showering. Removes chlorine, reduces harmful VOCs and enhances pH balance for the healthiest most refreshing shower ever! The benefits are immediately noticeable.

"It’s Like Showering In Natural Spring Water"

Comes complete with 2 stage filter cartridge that lasts 6 months (replacement cost is only $42.00 semi-annually with auto-ship) and the deluxe “Niagara” adjustable pressure shower head.

Stage 1 removes chlorine and enhances pH balance with a natural copper/ zinc mineral media called KDF-55D. The second filtration stage uses a carbonized coconut shell media for the removal of synthetic chemicals and VOCs that vaporize and can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin potentially causing adverse health and cosmetic effects.

The result is the healthiest, most refreshing shower experience you'll ever have... for only 21¢ a day!

Anyone who has ever swam in a chlorinated pool knows how chlorine robs moisture from skin and hair. What most don't realize is that typically there is as much or more chlorine in your tap water as in most pools.

Chlorine strips the natural protective oils from skin and hair causing excess dryness. Without the harsh influences of chlorine you‘ll notice significant cosmetic benefits... Softer skin & hair in a week or your money back!

Also by removing chlorine and other chemicals found in tap water, you eliminate health risks related to inhalation and skin absorption of these chemicals... now known to be a significant source of exposure to harmful VOCs (volatile organic chemicals).

Your shower water will feel better, and be better for you. Great benefits for asthma and allergy sufferers due to the elimination harmful chlorine vapors.

Made In The U.S.A. By Sun Water Systems, Inc. Ft. Worth, I am googling shower filters, trying to find one to buy. I am going to post info about a bunch of them, and it would be great if anyone has one or knows what the best one really is.

The Aquasana Shower Filter.

On Aquasana‘s "Water 4 Life" cartridge auto-ship program you‘ll receive fresh new filter cartridges automatically every 6 months at discount pricing... and FREE shipping! Required forms included with product.

Order now and in less than 1 week you'll be showering in naturally healthy, chemical free water!


Thu. Apr 5, 2:23pm

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