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Lost weight, but still feel gross?

I lost weight. I weighed 278 lbs at one point. I am down to 226 where I have sat for a month. I have a lot of muscle at 5'8" so I am not disgusting per say (at least according to everyone that sees me.) I can fit into an 18 and some 16's and actually buy normal size xl tops a lot of the time now. (not in the larger womens store, which was a big motivator for me when it first happened)

Problem? I feel like a huge fat cow. I lost the momentum, feel like I am in a funk, feel so gross, and just don't really know why. I colored my hair, cut my hair, I tan, I whitened my teeth, I bought some new clothes. I am on an anti-depressant and it is at a therapeutic level, so I don't think that is it. I just still feel so f'ing gross. I want that little bit of excitement back and the spark I felt when I was losing that kept me going. I swear I feel as miserable now as I did when I was 278. What is wrong with me??????????????????????????

Fri. May 23, 5:05pm

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Sorry you feel that way. You've done a great job! I hope you get that spark again and get things going.

I can tell you that I found that when I started replacing my old clothes with clothes that fit (vs. the clothes I had been wearing that started hanging off me) I felt fat again. I wasn't used to feeling my clothes against my skin - I was used to them feeling loose. I had to talk myself out of that tape that was going on in my head 'you're fat, you're fat, you're fat.'

If nothing else, start celebrating what you've accomplished - negative talk gets us nowhere!

Friday, May 23, 2008, 5:19 PM

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OP response!

OMG, that is so true. Maybe that is what the problem is. I am buying clothes that fit. I feel fat in them though... They come up against my rolls of fat just like any other clothes do except the huge baggy ones and I feel gross. I feel gross though with ones that hang off me and look like a potato sack though, so what do you do?? I feel really fat with those too. UGH!

Friday, May 23, 2008, 5:30 PM

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You feel gross in the old, loose clothes b/c I'm sure they're not the least bit flattering! That's true for just about anyone in clothes that are too big for them - they just don't look good!

Friday, May 23, 2008, 6:08 PM

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Just as a suggestion, try buying structured jackets. They don't have to be bulky or heavy, but if they're a good cut, they'll make you look thinner. Buy pants that fit at the thigh and are loose all the way down for a long, lean leg line. Try pointy toe shoes to make your legs look longer and leaner. Buy shirts that are fitted at the thinnest part of your torso, like under your boobs or whatever and they'll accentuate your waist. There are a lot of things you can try that will look good on you and might help to make you feel more confident.

Friday, May 23, 2008, 9:29 PM

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